Color Planet

From ColorPlanet

Color Planet is a massively-multiplayer location based resource game. It uses your GPS, or other location system on your device, but you may also place portals allowing you to play from a remote location.

Information about the android app Color Planet found at Google Play. User discussion at G+ group ColorPlanet.

If you need help on what to to next, first try the ?-button. There you see the missions you have made and the next ones. Note: you have to click on them to expand them. Old versions of the texts may be found on the wiki page Help.

What do you see?


From top to bottom:

  • Crystal count (Colored boxes with numbers): How many crystals you have of each color and how many crystals are with your deployed workers.
  • The "View" area: In this case, the map with things on and the white summary line below: See Map. This area is replaced in other views.
  • Menu with: Map, Base, Worker View, Transmitters, Chat, Missions and more in the submenu.

The main views

Things found in the submenu:  

Other things


Help wanted!

Create an account and contribute to improve this wiki. After you have requested an account here, please send a chat message in the game, saying something about an account at the wiki, including your requested user name here so I may confirm you.