Worker View

From ColorPlanet
Revision as of 21:18, 4 January 2016 by Melker (talk | contribs)

Shows two parts:

First your idle Workers in your Base and second the workers placed on a Fountain

In this view you may spawn new workers, bring placed workers home, and later on: upgrade workers by merging them, modulate color of worker and transform workers to Transmitter parts.

Spawn Worker

At the bottom left part, you can find the "Spawn Worker" button. By tapping it, you can create a new worker of your attuned color. The level of the new worker will be chosen from 1 to the maximum level of your workers. The first one it's for free. After that, there are two options to build more:

  • Waiting for recharge

After spawning the first worker, a countdown will appear next to the Spawn Worker. When it reaches 0, a new worker can be built for free. Then, another countdown will begin, and so on. The recharging time will grow bigger with the current number of workers you have.

  • Paying with crystals

Instead of waiting for free recharge, crystals can be paid for more workers (note: this option won't increase the waiting time). The prices are:

   * 1st Time: 4
   * 2nd Time: 2, 8, 2
   * 3rd Time: 1, 4, 12, 4, 1
   * 4th Time: 2, 6, 16, 6, 2
   * 5th Time: 3, 8, 20, 8, 3
   * 6th Time: 4, 10, 24, 10, 4
   * 7th Time: 5, 12, 28, 12, 5

See also: Worker