Hexagon with arrows out

Statistics February 2025



Users statistics

Victory points

Victory pointsSupporterPlayer
893 Supporter⚔️Mjolnir - L11
390💨Gombar - L8
214Lingonberry - L11
191 Supporterxintra - L7
182rherektafire - L10
175 SupporterAntKeeper - L11
129Czar - L10
14 Supporter🍺Extoos - L9
3 Supporteruser2815 - L1
2user2736 - L1
1ArtursKa12 - L1
1jose1311v - L8

Claims and attacks: 1 point each. Takeover or finishing: 2 points extra.


382 Supporter⚔️Mjolnir - L11
115💨Gombar - L8
98rherektafire - L10
50Lingonberry - L11
43Czar - L10
38 SupporterAntKeeper - L11
5 Supporter🍺Extoos - L9
4 Supporterxintra - L7
2user2736 - L1

Control areas

Control areasSupporterPlayer
73 Supporter⚔️Mjolnir - L11
22rherektafire - L10
22💨Gombar - L8
11Lingonberry - L11
8Czar - L10
7 SupporterAntKeeper - L11
1 Supporter🍺Extoos - L9


271 Supporter⚔️Mjolnir - L11
173💨Gombar - L8
145 Supporterxintra - L7
102Lingonberry - L11
89 SupporterAntKeeper - L11
56Czar - L10
28rherektafire - L10
5 Supporter🍺Extoos - L9
3 Supporteruser2815 - L1
1ArtursKa12 - L1
1jose1311v - L8

Attacks clearing the area

Attacks clearing the areaSupporterPlayer
47 Supporter⚔️Mjolnir - L11
29💨Gombar - L8
21 Supporterxintra - L7
20Lingonberry - L11
17 SupporterAntKeeper - L11
7Czar - L10
6rherektafire - L10
1 Supporter🍺Extoos - L9

Items activated

Items activatedSupporterPlayer
193 Supporter⚔️Mjolnir - L11
115💨Gombar - L8
68 Supporterxintra - L7
38Lingonberry - L11
35rherektafire - L10
27 SupporterAntKeeper - L11
17Czar - L10
5 Supporter🍺Extoos - L9