
From DominAnt
No Tasks Reward
1 Help 5 controlled colonies Some food
2 Give 200 food to colonies Swarming colonies
3 Produce 3 swarms (Was: Produce 10 energy bars) A few small boost kits
4 Found 3 colonies (Was: Eat 10 energy bars) A few small boost kits
5 Produce 10 swarms AND
Found 10 colonies (was swapped with 6:th)
A big nest boost kit AND
some swarming colonies
6 Mark 10 scent tracks Warriors AND
Ant eaters in the inventory (lasts a week)
7 Sabotage 10 (enemy) colonies AND
Give 1000 food to colonies
Food AND
8 Help 10 allied colonies (not your own) AND
Produce 30 energy bars
Food AND
9 Attack 5 times AND
Attack and kill one colony
Some small boost kits
10 Mark 100 scent tracks A Backpack