
From DominAnt
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  • English

Players need to perform some types of Actions, like founding colonies, giving food, sabotaging or other actions.

When the players has performed enough actions they may claim one or more Items as reward.

Missions may be in a series of missions where you will have to do the first one in order to open up the second one etc.

There can also be a deadline on the missions. If players fail, nothing happens.

There are some planned types of missions, I will start with introducing weekly missions.

Weekly missions

Every week a new mission will be started and the players will have almost a week to achieve the tasks.

Technical info: The tasks and the reward will be randomly combined from a list of defined tasks and so will the reward.

Weekly missions will be available for players at a certain level. (Starting at level 10 initially but this may be subject to change)

Introduction missions

Future plans To get started. Describe what you need to do to get started. Quite a lot of text and image work will have to be done.

Progress missions

Future plans Just do many actions. Like found 50 colonies.

Event missions

NOTE: The contents here may change until the event begins.

Events are open to players of all levels.

Events have a series of missions, normally with a better prize at the end. Note that you must finish one before the next one is available and start counting.

Equinox March 2019

The event begun 2019-02-27 and last about 3 weeks until the equinox 2019-03-20 21:58 UTC.

No Tasks Reward
1 Help 5 controlled colonies Some food
2 Give 200 food to colonies Swarming colonies
3 Produce 10 energy bars A few small boost kits
4 Eat 10 energy bars A few small boost kits
5 Mark 10 scent tracks A big nest boost kit AND
some swarming colonies
6 Produce 10 swarms AND
Found 10 colonies
Warriors AND
Ant eaters in the inventory (lasts a week)
7 Sabotage 10 (enemy) colonies AND
Give 1000 food to colonies
Food AND
8 Help 10 allied colonies (not your own) AND
Produce 30 energy bars
Food AND
9 Attack 5 times AND
Attack and kill one colony
Some small boost kits
10 Mark 100 scent tracks A Backpack