Swedish - eventRevolutionDesc

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The colony has been without owner for some time and now became independent

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The ants got tired of waiting for someone to take care of them. They revolted and are now independent.
Last translation:
Myrona tröttnade på att någon skulle ta hand om dem så de är nu en oberoende koloni.


Swedish2018-09-01 13:56:3801Lingonberry
Myrona tröttnade på att någon skulle ta hand om dem så de är nu en oberoende koloni.
DEFAULT2020-10-25 16:51:2401cycolyst
The ants got tired of waiting for someone to take care of them. They revolted and are now independent.
DEFAULT2018-09-01 13:53:2400Lingonberry
The ants got tired of waiting for someone to take care of them. The revolted and are now independent.