Korean - userdataSupporterUntil

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Thanks for being a supporter. A star will be displayed together with your user name to other players until %1$tF
Last translation:
서포터가 되주셔서 감사합니다. 별은 당신의 이름 옆에 %1$tF 까지 표시될 것입니다


Korean2017-09-09 11:25:2201BAFURI9896
서포터가 되주셔서 감사합니다. 별은 당신의 이름 옆에 %1$tF 까지 표시될 것입니다
DEFAULT2017-09-10 02:05:3501mijkolsmith
Thanks for being a supporter. A star will be displayed together with your user name to other players until %1$tF
DEFAULT2017-08-29 20:11:4800Lingonberry
Thanks for being a supporter. A star will be displayed together with your user name to other player until %1$tF