You can establish in game contacts with other players.
När du har kontakt med någon kan ni:
- Skicka saker
- Ha privat chat
- Skicka inbjudan till lag
Du kan flytta en kontakt till dina favoriter. Favoriterna listas högst upp i olika sammanhang där du ska välja en person.
Skapa kontakt genom placerade arbetare
If you find place workers on the map, and you don't have the owner as contact you can establish contact though the workers. Click (or long click if you have fast worker deployment) and select the "Establish contact option when there are unknown workers.
Etablera kontakt med hjälp av kod
När du placerat din första sändare får du kontaktkoder. Du får fler när du placerat många sändare.
You can share the codes to get an in game contact with other existing players. If you have received an invitation code from another player, you can enter it in the Contact dialog.
Skapa kontakt genom att skicka kontaktuppgifter
En spelare etablera inbördes konkakt mellan två spelare den jar kontakt med genom att skicka kontaktuppgifter.
Recruiting other players
Just invite them to start playing and have them enter your user name as the one who invited them. Every level they level up gives you another score in the invite mission in the game.