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= TODO =
= Headlines.... TO WORK ON  =
You are sent from a rare fragile world, running out or resources, to this.... Earth, to gather crystals just flowing out into space, wasted by the unaware humans, and send them home.

== nnnn ==
You have to spawn your workers and travel to different places to make them harvest the crystals. Using your resources you may extend your workers capabilities and also extend your own capability to place the workers.
Av första texten ska det komma fram att:
* Du är en utomjordning
* Du har skickats till jorden för att hjälpa hemplaneten
* Du behöver skicka hem "färg" till hemplaneten. (för att den ska leva vidare)
Efterhand ska det framgå att:
* Du samlar in färg med hjälp av workers
* Du fixar en byggnad för att omvandla workers till färgkuber
* Med hjälp av dess färgkcuber så kan du bygga "scorers" (vi får hitta på ett bättre namn så småningom) som kräver att du har i alla färger.
* Du skickar iväg dessa scorers och får poäng från din hemplanet som är indelad i olika segment med ett bonussytem. (Du står på en viss plats som ligger i ett visst segment)
* I dessa ytor kan du bli den dominerande "färgförsörjaren".
* Bonusssytemet främjar att du ska samarbete med andra spelare på andra geografiska platser än din egen.
* Det finns även lag som du kan skapa/gå med i som kan bli dominerande.
== nnn ==

The resources appear in fountains on the earth surface.
* Beta version.
- Things may change.
- Some graphics are really bad, but if you like the game, maybe you could make graphics?
- You, yes you, may influence the game
* This game use the positioning (GPS or other) on your device. I.e you are required to walk or move sometimes in order to keep up the pace in the game. :-)

In order to be sent home they need to be packaged

You are sent from a rare fragile world, running out or resources, to this.... Earth, to gather crystals just flowing out into space, wasted by the unaware humans, and send them home.
TODO EXPLAIN worker to transmitter part transformer (some kind of black hole... thing)

You have to spawn your workers and travel to different places to make them harvest the crystals. Using your resources you may extend your workers capabilities and also extend your own capability to place the workers.
Transmit the gather crystals back to your home planet to help saving it. All transmitted crystals gives you influence and makes you famous (score) but fame does not last forever, more precisely, 30 days on you home planet.

Transmit the gathcer crystals back to your home planet to help saving it. All transmitted crystals gives you influence and makes you famous.
== Extra ==

=== Treasures ===
You may also go treasure hunting, when you have built a treasure finder.
You may also go treasure hunting, when you have built a treasure finder.
Using NN(treasure finder) you may make extract NN (treasures) from earth that may contain useful parts.

=== Team ===
Join a team or start your own (when you may) and gather friends to get advantages and be the best team with most influense on your home planet.
Join a team or start your own (when you may) and gather friends to get advantages and be the best team with most influense on your home planet.