Swedish - mSpawnWorkerText4

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The worker spawner is recharged over time. When it is fully charged you can create one new worker for free. You can pay crystals to create additional workers in between charges.
Last translation:
Möjligheten att skapa arbetare laddas upp över tiden. När fullladdad kan du ska arbetera gratis. Under tiden behöver du betala kristaller för att få fler.


Swedish2018-10-06 09:24:1801Lingonberry
Möjligheten att skapa arbetare laddas upp över tiden. När fullladdad kan du ska arbetera gratis. Under tiden behöver du betala kristaller för att få fler.
DEFAULT2019-06-15 07:47:5702Mad Dog
The worker spawner is recharged over time. When it is fully charged you can create one new worker for free. You can pay crystals to create additional workers in between charges.
DEFAULT2019-06-15 07:47:3701Mad Dog
The worker spawner is recharged over time. When it is fully charged you can create one new workers for free. You can pay crystals to create additional workers in between charges.
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4500Lingonberry
The worker spawner is recharged over time. When it is recharged you can create new workers for free. In the meantime you will have to pay crystals to create more workers.