Spanish, Castilian - mTransformW2TPText1

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To get transmitter parts you need to use a worker and transform it. Beware, you will need to keep some workers to have an income.
Last translation:
Puedes transofrmar a tus Trabajadores para obtener Partes de Transmisor, pero ten cuidado, ya que puede reducir tu ingreso de cristales.


Spanish, Castilian2017-09-20 08:31:2400Lingonberry
Puedes transofrmar a tus Trabajadores para obtener Partes de Transmisor, pero ten cuidado, ya que puede reducir tu ingreso de cristales.
DEFAULT2019-06-15 07:49:2401Mad Dog
To get transmitter parts you need to use a worker and transform it. Beware, you will need to keep some workers to have an income.
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4500Lingonberry
To get transmitter parts you need to use a worker and transform it, but beware. You will need to keep some workers to have an income