Polish - actionDowngradeFacilitySpawnerWarningDesc

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Current values

Workers at level %1$d will be downgraded to level %2$d if you proceed with downgrading worker spawner
Last translation:
Zbieracze poziomu %1$d spadną na poziom %2$d jeśli obniżysz poziom wytwórni zbieraczy.


Polish2018-02-18 15:15:4301pikodat
Zbieracze poziomu %1$d spadną na poziom %2$d jeśli obniżysz poziom wytwórni zbieraczy.
DEFAULT2017-11-20 21:44:0901Lingonberry
Workers at level %1$d will be downgraded to level %2$d if you proceed with downgrading worker spawner
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4400Lingonberry
Workers at level %1$d will be downgraded to level %2$d if you proceed with downgrading worker spawner"