Polish - mGroupInvitePlayersText2

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You may invite players in whatever way you want. One way is by opening the Menu and selecting "Contacts", "Invite players" and "Invite" to share a ready made invitation link to others.
Last translation:
Możesz zapraszać graczy w dowolny sposób. Jednym z nich jest otwarcie Menu i klikanie kolejnow w "Kontakty", "Zaproś graczy", "Zaproś" aby wysłać gotowy link z zaproszeniem.


Polish2019-07-17 06:33:4601Jaqqq
Możesz zapraszać graczy w dowolny sposób. Jednym z nich jest otwarcie Menu i klikanie kolejnow w "Kontakty", "Zaproś graczy", "Zaproś" aby wysłać gotowy link z zaproszeniem.
DEFAULT2019-06-13 10:46:3101Pentara
You may invite players in whatever way you want. One way is by opening the Menu and selecting "Contacts", "Invite players" and "Invite" to share a ready made invitation link to others.
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4500Lingonberry
You may invite player in whatever way you want but one is by opening the menu and selecting "Contacts", "Invite players" and "Invite" to share a ready made invitation to others.