Spanish, Castilian - facilityPreTextContactCenter

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Pre-build description of the facility letting you show only new contacts when connecting people

Current values

Extra facility giving you the ability to only show new contacts (for the receiver) when connecting people.
Last translation:
Instalación adicional que permite mostrar sólo nuevos contactos (para el receptor) al conectar personas.


Spanish, Castilian2019-11-16 09:50:4802Deaymon
Instalación adicional que permite mostrar sólo nuevos contactos (para el receptor) al conectar personas.
Spanish, Castilian2019-09-27 23:39:3301VICKVEL
Instalación adicional que le brinda la capacidad de mostrar solo nuevos contactos (para el receptor) al conectar personas.
DEFAULT2019-06-13 10:30:0401Pentara
Extra facility giving you the ability to only show new contacts (for the receiver) when connecting people.
DEFAULT2018-04-11 12:12:1000Lingonberry
Extra facility giving you ability to only show new contacts (for the receiver) when connecting people.