Finnish - mIntroText1

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During the last aeon on Kambr, our home planet, the resources of the essential five crystals for our civilization began to vanish. During our search through the universe for more we sent and planted seeds of us in the other civilizations we found on various planets.
Last translation:
Kambrissa, kotimme planeetassamme, viimeisimmän aikakauden aikana sivistyksemme keskeisten viiden kiteen resurssit alkoivat kadota. Kun etsimme maailmankaikkeudessa enemmän, lähetimme ja istutimme meille siemeniä muihin löydettyihin sivilisaatioihin.


Finnish2019-06-28 19:02:1701fustic
Kambrissa, kotimme planeetassamme, viimeisimmän aikakauden aikana sivistyksemme keskeisten viiden kiteen resurssit alkoivat kadota. Kun etsimme maailmankaikkeudessa enemmän, lähetimme ja istutimme meille siemeniä muihin löydettyihin sivilisaatioihin.
DEFAULT2019-07-17 10:37:5402Jaqqq
During the last aeon on Kambr, our home planet, the resources of the essential five crystals for our civilization began to vanish. During our search through the universe for more we sent and planted seeds of us in the other civilizations we found on various planets.
DEFAULT2019-06-13 10:51:2901Pentara
During the last aeon on Kambr, our home planet, the resources of the essential five crystals for our civilization began to vanish. During our search through the universe for more we sent and planted seeds of us in the other civilizations we found.
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4500Lingonberry
During the last aeon on Kambr, our home planet, the resources of the essential five crystals for our civilization begun to vanish. During our search through the universe for more we sent and planted seeds of us in the other civilizations we found.