Swedish | 2019-02-13 17:38:10 | 0 | 1 | Lingonberry |
Sprid ryktet om det här spelat. Det finns ett uppdrag som handlar om att bjuda in fler spelare.
Det summerar nivån på spelarna som säger att du bjudit in dem. Du bör altså bjuda in fler spelare, få dem att skriva in ditt användarnamn i rutan för vem som bjöd in dem i dialogen för användaruppgifter.
Ni kommer då få kontakt i spelet och du bör hjälpa dem så de kan höja sin nivå, och du får bättre uppdragsvärde. |
DEFAULT | 2019-06-13 10:38:51 | 0 | 2 | Pentara |
Spread the word with your friends.
There is a mission for inviting new players. It counts the sum of the level of all people who said you invited them.
So you should invite people and get them to enter your username in the dialog shown when updating User Settings. You will then get in contact in the game. Then you should help them level up to increase your invite mission counter. |
DEFAULT | 2019-02-13 17:36:31 | 0 | 1 | Lingonberry |
Spread the word with your friends.
There is a mission for inviting new players. It counts the sum of the level of all people who said you invited them.
So you should invite people, make them enter you username, either in the dialog shown when updating User Settings. You will then get in contact in the game. Then you should help them level up to increase your invite mission counter. |
DEFAULT | 2017-09-20 08:25:44 | 0 | 0 | Lingonberry |
Spread the word with your friends.
There is a mission for inviting new players. It counts the sum of the level of all people who said you invited them.
So you should invite people, make them enter you username, either in the dialog shown when registering or when updating User Settings. You will then get in contact in the game. Then you should help them level up to increase your invite mission counter. |