Spanish, Castilian - facilityPreTextWorkerModulator

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Main facility giving you ability to have workers of other colors.
Last translation:
Instalación principal que le permite tener trabajadores de otros colores.


Spanish, Castilian2019-09-27 23:32:3811VICKVEL
Instalación principal que le permite tener trabajadores de otros colores.
Spanish, Castilian2017-09-20 08:31:2400Lingonberry
Permite tener trabajadpres de otros colores. El nivel indica cuántos.
DEFAULT2017-11-01 09:32:2511Lingonberry
Main facility giving you ability to have workers of other colors.
DEFAULT2017-11-01 08:41:1010Lingonberry
Main facility giving you ability to have workers of other colors. The level sets how many.
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4400Lingonberry
Support workers of other colors. The level sets how many.