Swedish - facilityPreTextSpawner

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Main facility giving you ability to spawn and upgrade workers.
Last translation:
Huvudbyggnad som göra att du kan skapa arbetare och uppgradera dem.


Swedish2018-03-13 21:05:0811Lingonberry
Huvudbyggnad som göra att du kan skapa arbetare och uppgradera dem.
DEFAULT2023-12-31 08:29:5012Sir1
Main facility giving you ability to spawn and upgrade workers.
DEFAULT2017-11-01 09:28:0411Lingonberry
Main facility giving you ability to spawns and upgrade workers.
DEFAULT2017-11-01 08:37:4510Lingonberry
Main facility giving you ability to spawns and upgrade workers. Defines the properties of workers at a certain level.
DEFAULT2017-09-20 08:25:4400Lingonberry
Spawns and upgrades workers. Defines the properties of workers at a certain level.