language | time | version | revision | editor |
Slovak | 2022-05-15 16:31:01 | 0 | 1 | Bionkl |
Môžete otáčať bludisko okolo vás, aby sa zmestili vaše pešiu cestu. Dlho stlačte ikonu šípky a otočte ju. Vyzdvihnúť položky pohybom v ich blízkosti. Poznámka: Ak narazíte na hranicu, ktorú stratíte a bludisko je preč, až nabudúce budete môcť plodiť jeden. | ||||
DEFAULT | 2020-10-28 17:33:52 | 0 | 1 | WhiteShadow |
You can rotate the maze around you to fit your walking path. Long press on the arrow icon and rotate it. Pick up items by moving near them. NOTE: If you hit the border you loose and the maze is gone until next time you can spawn one. | ||||
DEFAULT | 2020-10-21 07:05:42 | 0 | 0 | Lingonberry |
You can rotate the maze around you to fit your walking path. Long press on the arrow icon ant rotate it. Pick up items by moving near them. NOTE: If you hit the border you loose and the maze is gone until next time you can spawn one. |