Swedish - actionStartSpawnMazeDesc

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Gives you a time limited ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. Note that you should be standing still when starting. Start one now?
Last translation:
Ger dig en tidsbegränsad förmåga att få kristaller plus andra användbara sällsynta föremål. Observera att du måste stå still när du startar. Vill du starta en nu?


Swedish2021-06-09 14:38:4201Visman
Ger dig en tidsbegränsad förmåga att få kristaller plus andra användbara sällsynta föremål. Observera att du måste stå still när du startar. Vill du starta en nu?
DEFAULT2020-10-21 07:52:3203Lingonberry
Gives you a time limited ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. Note that you should be standing still when starting. Start one now?
DEFAULT2020-10-21 07:20:5302Lingonberry
Gives you a time limited ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. Start one now?
DEFAULT2020-10-21 07:19:1501Lingonberry
Spawning mazes gives you a time limited ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. Start one now?
DEFAULT2020-10-21 07:01:4800Lingonberry
Spawning mazes gives you a time limited ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. You can rotate the maze around you to fit your path. Pick them up by moving near them. Do you want to start one now?