Swedish | 2018-09-02 15:04:53 | 0 | 1 | Lingonberry |
Påbörja en process för att bli administratör i det här laget som saknar aktiv administratör. Det kommer ta lite tid och eventuella befintliga administratörer kommer få ett meddelande. |
DEFAULT | 2019-06-13 17:42:23 | 0 | 3 | Lingonberry |
Start the process to become an administrator of this team that lacks an active administrator. It will take some time and existing administrators will be notified and may stop the process. |
DEFAULT | 2019-06-13 14:39:38 | 0 | 2 | Thiseus |
Start the process to become an administrator of this team that lacks an active administartor. It will take some time and existing administrators will be notified and may stop the process. |
DEFAULT | 2019-06-13 09:05:27 | 0 | 1 | Mad Dog |
Start the process to become administrator of this team lacking an active administartor. It will take some time and existing administrators will be notified and may stop the process. |
DEFAULT | 2018-07-24 07:54:21 | 0 | 0 | Lingonberry |
Start a process to become administrator in this team lacking active administartor. It will take some time and existing administrators will be notified and may stop the process. |