
Top big area player colors

Top 10 players by score

1 Plux

Score:203234 Level:102 Team:219 Country:

2 ekx74

Score:190969 Level:150 Team:63 Country:DE

3 Jeita

Score:112358 Level:132 Team:226 Country:RU

4 Sergio

Score:14808 Level:104 Team:140 Country:

5 False Maximus

Score:6695 Level:117 Team: Country:JP

6 PandaZero

Score:6100 Level:121 Team:140 Country:RU

7 MY3A

Score:5749 Level:118 Team:263 Country:

8 Mekong

Score:5403 Level:150 Team:51 Country:PL

9 Gaensebluemchen

Score:4395 Level:105 Team:107 Country:

10 Lost_Joe

Score:2632 Level:97 Team:248 Country:

Top 10 players by missions

150 ekx74

Team:63 Country:DE

150 Mekong

Team:51 Country:PL

147 WhiteShadow

Team:118 Country:RU
Playing since 16.07.2017 First one to reach level 14 on 19.08.2020

144 h3llia

Team:63 Country:DE

143 XRV 750

Team: Country:DE
Africa Twin

141 Mad Dog

Team:63 Country:US
Try 6 worker to hit 20k

138 BT64

Team:51 Country:PL

137 Baumpilz

Team:118 Country:DE

135 Neda

Team:148 Country:RU

134 Mus

Team:58 Country:CZ

Top 10 players placing transmitter every day

1957 Anxifer

Team: Country:AT

1529 Jeita

Team: Country:RU

1292 Nicolaith

Team: Country:RU

1237 Mad Dog

Team: Country:US
Try 6 worker to hit 20k

1030 Czar

Team: Country:NZ

1024 Mus

Team: Country:CZ

919 WhiteShadow

Team: Country:RU
Playing since 16.07.2017 First one to reach level 14 on 19.08.2020

822 Fil

Team: Country:
It is the rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

714 ekx74

Team: Country:DE

693 Ivizar

Team: Country: