You may attack Enemy Colony using your warrior ants in inventory.
Do the attack
- You are in range of an Enemy Colony
- Click the colony and select "Attack".
- This does one "round" of the attack. I.e. casualties of both sides.
- If you have more warriors keep clicking the colony and Attack if you want to attack more.
- The defence is better if there are many Warrior ants. (Can be changed by owner from a distance)
Several people may attack the same colony at the same time.
When you attack you expose your own position to everyone for 5 minutes(?) after the last attack command.
Do the attack
- You are in range of an Enemy Colony
- Click the colony and select "Start Attack".
- You see a "board" with your warrior ant count and the colony population count.
- Every second a new attack in called from the client causing counting on the server to take place
- Both sides have casualties
- There might be cave in-s casing colony capacity decrease and loosing ant on one or the other side.
- The attacker may stop the attack stopping the fight.
- If one or the other side looses all ants the fight is over.
- A defender may also be on location and can then attack the attackers warrior ants by him/herself by attacking the, on the map, exposed colony attacker. Even if the attacker stops the attack.
Manually help out (?)
By smashing ants on the map a player can kill enemy ants too, one at a time.