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* Recycle pipeline
* Recycle pipeline
* Recycle structure
* Recycle structure
My text from 2019-07-27
My ideas (right now at least)
User may build structures and pumping stations (cheap) on the ground.
Minimum distance between any of structure or pumping station is 250m.
Other players structures etc does NOT affect the distance between yours.
User may build ONE building in an empty structure.
Buildings may be moved to nearby structures (some cost), when user is near. (Maybe free when user is very near?)
User may build pipes between structures and/pumping stations.
A pipe may be between 250 and 500(?) meters.
Structures and buildings never expire.
Buildings: quarry, refinery (both with variants per resource), storage (bigger after research), lab, some kind of team(?) scoring building (when researched)
Resources must be at the same location if you scan several times. Therefore thay must follow a pattern. The pattern change once per month(?).
A resource runs out after some time, no matter if used or not. This time is visible to the user. The time starts ticking after a user first scans for it.
A resource has a volume and may run out when user uses it... Or maybe this can be ignored and just the time matters. This way several players could use the same...
A resource found by a user will be visible to the user until the resource runs out.
A "lake" is one circular resource around one point.
A "vein" are just several (8?) circles in a line/arc.
A quarry/drillhole/whatever gets it up, has a fee to drill the hole. I.e. you can move it around and then there is a fee to start it.
There must be a direct contact (pumping stations are ok) with the expected source. For example a refinery must have connect to the quarry(name?) or a storage.
A pipe may only have one direction. The user may set/alter it.
Upgrades/Tech tree
some levels of resources as in initial idea. First you can only get one of them and refine, later more.
Storage capacity
* Use need to scan and build and play a bit of 15-game every month.