Other/Tile Pile
This is other games ideas. I.e. not part of Color Planet Resources
Rethinking with factories and floors
Server admin service to access all custom factories dataCreate first factories to introduce the area types and machinesToolbar and bottom stuff keeps showing on tablet. Get rid of them.Rethink: Let top toolbar stay on screen? It shows up anyway and blocks...
Show current credit countDo not allow negative credit to resolve a factoryPay a negative done factory to resolve it - automaticallyShow how much +credits you have on a factory.Machine select - make it clear what you may select, including the remove machine optionA factory is open only if any of the 3(?) ....Require user data (account selected) to be done before uploadingLoginSend oauth to serverMake server check oauthServer store user idServer check user id when overwriting
Round tilesBigger machine/ground select icons on tablet. Use 1/6 of the screen height? and make them all the width?Remove invalid thumbnail when editing floorClean up value before playing the same floor again, something gets very buggy... tiles for to fast or slow etcList factories nicer- 0.0.8
Display something useful (login in/logged in as...) on the Player fragment and a back buttonLock icon on factory shows despite it is not locked!The right menus, use a linear layout and divide the screen so the last one will not get tiny?Swedish translation- Some info on how to play...
- Intro or text
Title on edit factories (24sp) just as the other listsWrite "Floor", "N" (centered above) on floors instead of just a number. Really small letters on "Floor"
Clean out invalid custom test factories- Have more "built in" factories and floors
- Score - show some message that it is not yet done.
Some testing on users
- Support multiple drop zones
- Conveyor send every other needs internal stat to keep track and send every other right/left, not just the time step.
- Ability to set status of custom factories, test/final. Test = may be edited more, final = score is being saved.
- Inform players that they accept that the factory may be used in the game. (when they upload)
- Give factories a new id when finalized to invalidate score(?).
- Intro "movie", animation showing game play
- Sound effects
- Send usage-"score" to server in background
- Also track time spent and send in statistics
- List usage-"score". Sort on score and if the same, the time spent
- Think about the name of the game? Package ... move, distribute, etc, "Factory floor"
- Save/restore progress to server, to be able to use multiple devices
- Fulfill the ad-thing
- Translations of factory names, the build in ones
Custom factories
- Character encoding when storing/loading on server
Store who did what factories on server- Store user data so other people can see who made a factory, not just the id number
- Show who did custom factories on server
- Feedback ability on custom factories
- New icons for everything
- Add background music, and ability to disable it
- Signing all stored data, so it may not easily be faked
- Place machines into the next area?
Original idea
Note: No longer valid. But maybe for some other game....
Name ideas: Tile Map, Tile The World
Basic idea
World is divided in lines with triangles in them, so corners connect. The triangles are "areas".
Tiles may be placed on the areas.
Player may use gps to unlock such areas on the map. Whenever player unlocks an area (e)he may find a tile on it)
Players build shapes with colored tiles to get some kind of rewards (medals or whatever)
Players use gps to know where he/she should be able to
Players manually trigger gps on or just single gps reads to get a pos to unlocking and set shat areas (s)he may play on.
May carry up to 5(?) tiles at one time. Increasing with "score"?
Has a picking/dropping range of a few (3?) triangles.
If piling, may only pick the highest tile atm.
Can have color RRGGBB(AA). Where any of them may be 00, 11, 22, .., FF. Or maybe just 00,33,66,99,CC,FF to get a decent number of combinations? The alpha is only interesting is piling is allowed.
Normal tiles just have a color.
Function tiles
Producer (and mixer): Two sides are input and the third is output. At regular times it produces a new tile having the mixture of the colors on the two input tiles. Only produces if there is room left. Note: if a bit up in a pile it will fall down to the bottom leaving room for more.
Transportation tiles. Whenever a tile appears on one side it will be transported to another specified place (shown with arrow). May be rotated by interacting with them (pressing or something)
Color changing tiles. Darker and brighter or other things.
Fun thing: If the user sets up a set of function tiles and then drops a pile of tiles in an area then he/she can see how tiles are being moved or whatever ("building a machine") This way the user may build flashing stars or things. Then he/she must be able to record video. (or let other players replay what (s)he did.
MAYBE this is hard to handle in UI?
Otherwise just have one level of tiles.
Scoring / Goal of the game
Medals for producing patterns using one or more colors. Things like:
or something.
There is no real end of it.
Maybe voting for the build of the week? Other players images, that player get rewards. They may build whatever they want.
Social interaction
Chat with ability to share images to
Ability to share the images on social networks (with links to games)
In the chat/log you will see what other people has built.
Idea: The client may play standalone.
Server only needed when sharing images and chatting etc.
A sync to server sometimes will be done.
Just go ahead and play, even if no network. It only loads data if network available.
When you want to share something you need a username.