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(56 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Currently a big rewrite is being done. The result will become version 1.0.
See [[Road Map History]] for older stuff.
All entries below a release must be fulfilled before that version is complete.
= <s>1.0 alpha</s> =
* <s>Register account</s>
* <s>Validate new device</s>
== <s>Map/Fountain/Portal</s> ==
* <s>Fountains continuously refill, more realistic</s>
* <s>Fountain size matters (also 3 types of each color with different image, max and refill speed)</s>
* <s>View fountains/workers from user</s>
* <s>View fountains/workers from portals</s>
* <s>View fountains/workers from placed workers</s>
* <s>Spawn workers</s>
* <s>Merge workers</s>
* <s>Modulate workers</s>
* <s>Place workers on fountains</s>
* <s>Send single worker home</s>
* <s>Send one color/all workers home</s>
* <s>Place portal</s>
* <s>Remove portal</s>
* <s>Move portal</s>
* <s>Adjust number of portals on portal gateway facility upgrade.</s>
* <s>Also fixing portal count daily</s>.
== <s>Transmitters/score</s> ==
* <s>Transform workers to transmitter parts</s>
* <s>Mount transmitter</s>
* <s>Place transmitter</s>
* <s>View score</s>
== <s>Crystal</s> ==
* <s>Modulate crystal</s>
== <s>Facilities</s> ==
* <s>Build facilities</s>
* <s>Upgrade facilities</s>
* <s>Set good description on upgrade actions (see Downgrade, from x to y) - fixed in Beta-version</s>
== <s>Chat/Messages</s> ==
* <s>Read public chat</s>
* <s>Write in public chat</s>
* <s>Read system messages</s>
== <s>Trade</s> ==
* <s>View offers</s>
* <s>Accept offer</s>
* <s>Add offer</s>
* <s>Remove offer</s>
== <s>Contacts</s> ==
* <s>View contacts</s>
== <s>Treasures</s> ==
* <s>View treasures</s>
* <s>Start treasure hunt</s>
* <s>Claim treasure</s>
= <s>1.0 beta1</s> =
* <s>Bug fixing</s>
** <s>Load map data when getting first position - It did worked before...</s>
** <s>Only fade used fountains when the facility is build and that settings is active</s>
* <s>Fixing weird texts (fountain, portal)</s>
* <s>Notifications</s>
** <s>Base</s>
** <s>Workers returning</s>
* <s>All main views shall be able to open before data is loaded without crashing</s>
== <s>Map/Fountain/Portal</s> ==
* <s>Show flashing workers placed when they are pending - NO. Place then instantly instead.</s>
* <s>Don't show pending workers/portals in the idle bar below the map</s>
* <s>Start/stop probing - has been partly fixed - but is not working in client yet - working when other fixes were done</s>
* <s>Update workers on fountain on map immediately when a worker is placed using not fast placement - Handled so it can not be placed again, even if it is not displayed on the map instantly</s>
== <s>Facilties</s> ==
* <s>Rearrange upgrades</s>
* <s>Downgrade facilitites</s>
* <s>Adjust number of portals on portal gateway facility downgrade</s>
== <s>Chat/Messages</s> ==
* <s>Read team chat</s>
* <s>Write in team chat</s>
* <s>Read private messages</s>
* <s>Write private messages</s>
* <s>Mark message as read-action</s>
== <s>Transmitting</s> ==
* <s>Transmit transmitter to another player</s>
* <s>Transmit crystal to another player</s>
* <s>Transmit transmitter part to another player</s>
* <s>Check facility status in transmit actions</s>
== <s>Transmitters/score</s> ==
<s>* Merge transmitter parts</s>
== <s>Team</s> ==
* <s>View my team info</s>
* <s>View other team info</s>
* <s>Found</s>
* <s>Rename/properties</s>
* <s>Invite player</s>
* <s>Accept invite</s>
* <s>Reject invite</s>
* <s>Leave team</s>
* <s>Kick member from team</s>
* <s>Disband team</s>
* <s>Handover team</s>
* <s>Adjust number of portals on team join, leave, disband, kick</s>
* <s>Adjust worker properties on team join, leave, disband, kick</s>
== <s>Monuments</s> ==
* <s>View monuments</s>
* <s>Build monuments</s>
* <s>Upgrade monument</s>
* <s>Adjust number of portals on build/upgrade if needed</s>
* <s>Adjust worker properties on build/upgrade if needed</s>
== <s>Users</s> ==
* <s>Adapt user dialog and its commands</s>
** <s>Shortlist toggle</s>
** <s>Send contact</s>
** <s>Start private chat</s>
** <s>Tag in public chat</s>
** <s>Open Gplus/Facebook/twitter</s>
** <s>Kick from team</s>
* <s>Adapt commands when clicking on a message in the chat</s>
** <s>Tag user</s>
** <s>See user profile</s>
** <s>Copy to clip board</s>
== <s>Contacts</s> ==
* <s>Establish contact - worker on map</s>
* <s>Establish contact - code</s>
* <s>Send contact</s>
== <s>Game Invites</s> ==
* <s>View/share game invites</s>
== <s>Migrating</s> ==
* <s>Transform workers in existing format to new table. When? First request!</s>
* <s>Block a bunch of actions using old code (placing workers is one) in old server code once migrated workers.</s>
= <s>1.0 beta 2</s> =
== <s>Bug fixing</s> ==
* <s>Fixing 3 found crash bugs</s>
* <s>The user radius was not increased with user level</s>
= <s>1.0 beta 3</s> =
== <s>Bug fixing</s> ==
* <s>Fixing 2 crash bugs</s>
== <s>Treasures</s> ==
* <s>Show what you got when claiming a treasures</S>
== <s>Workers/score parts</s> ==
* <s>Show what you got when transforming a worker to score parts</s>
== <s>Notifications</s> ==
* <s>Prepared for Facility status</s>
== <s>Code fixes</s> ==
* <s>Lots of code cleaning</s>
= <s>1.0 beta 4</s> =
== <s>Bug fixing</s> ==
* <s>Fixing one crash bug in map view</s>
== <s>Notifications</s> ==
* <s>Facility status</s>
* <s>Personal/Team Messages</s>
* <s>Trade</s>
* <s>Transmitter placement</s>
* <s>other</s>
* <s>Sending device active(resume-first load)/inactive(sending) To mark what devices that will get chat notifications. (fixed in client, not on server yet)</s>
* <s>Tagged in message (fixed in client, not on server yet)</s>
== <s>Code fixes</s> ==
* <s>Handling a lot of TODOs in client</s>
* <s>Removing "OldAction" class</s>
== <s>Chat</s> ==
* <s>Filtering the public chat</s>
== <s>Special</s> ==
* <s>Change color (loosing all stuff)</s>
= <s>1.0 beta 5</s> =
== <s>Bug fixing</s> ==
* <s>Show capacity of workers in placing-dialog again (it was accidently removed)</s>
* <s>Fixed one crash bug</s>
== <s>Code fixes</s> ==
* <s>Handling "enough" TODOs in client</s>
= <s>1.0 beta 6</s> =
== <s>Notifications - fix on server</s> ==
* <s>Sending device active(resume-first load)/inactive(sending) To mark what devices that will get chat notifications. (server)</s>
* <s>Tagged in message (server)</s>
== <s>Security</s> ==
* <s>Signing actions to improve security</s>
== <s>Special</s> ==
* <s>Handle EULA</s>
== <s>Invite player handling</s> ==
* <s>All uses may specify who invited them. This may only be set once.</s>
* <s>Ability to specify who invited user upon registering</s>
* <s>Ability to specify who invited user in user settings</s>
* <s>Get contact with the one who invited you</s>
* <s>Show who invited who in the user information dialog</s>
= <s>1.0 beta 7</s> =
== Bug fixing ==
* <s>User location could take some time to get. It now reuses recent location if fresh.</s>
* <s>"Invalid fountain" when placing workers on some fountains (most likely fixed on server)</s>
* <s>Better logic to avoid unneeded LoadData-actions. Was a bug, now fixed on server</s>
* <s>Locating you was slow. Changing how it gets the location from GPS/Network. Hopefully it starts up a bit fast when there is a suitable locations found</s>
= <s>1.0 RC 1</s> =
== <s>Bug fixing</s> ==
* <s>Fixing 1 crash bug on special case when mounting transmitter</s>
== <s>Code fixes</s> ==
* <s>Handling "enough" TODOs on server (server side)</s>
= <s>1.0 RC 2</s> =
== <s>Bug fixing</s> ==
* <s>User location was a bit slow to start with. Previous patch did not work before</s>
* <s>It always zooms in to your location when your location is found on first startup</s>
* <s>User location not always showing</s>
= <s>1.0.rc-3</s> =
= <s>1.0.rc-4</s> =
* <s>Bugfix: Always show fountains on user location</s>
* <s>Ability to show pending actions</s>
* <s>Fixing lots of crash bugs if clicking things before data is loaded</s>
= <s>Server fixes</s> =
* <s>Many bug fixes on the server regarding sending mission data to client</s>
= <s>1.0.rc-5</s> =
* <s>Showing done missions (this feature was lost in the change)</s>
* <s>One crash bug fix on treasure claiming</s>
* <s>Some preparations for translating the app</s>
= <s>On server</s> =
== <s>Mission on Game Invites</s> ==
* <s>Calculate in different way, sum of full levels of invited people (server side)</s>

= <s>1.0</s> =
= <s>1.0</s> =
Line 310: Line 54:
** <s>Copy daily backup to other physical machine</s>
** <s>Copy daily backup to other physical machine</s>

= 1.x =
= Done =
* <s>In app billing to be able to support the game, fixed in 1.2.0</s>
* <s>In app billing to be able to support the game, fixed in 1.2.0</s>
** <s>One simple supporter thing to buy (start of easy)</s>
** <s>One simple supporter thing to buy (start of easy)</s>
* <s>Feedback when placing transmitter, fixed in 1.2.1</s>
* <s>Feedback when placing transmitter, fixed in 1.2.1</s>
* <s>Making add contact to short list work again, Fixed in 1.2.3</s>
* <s>Making add contact to short list work again, Fixed in 1.2.3</s>
* <s>Merge monuments for workers of other colors. Such a monument should give +1 worker of all colors. Fixed in 1.3.3</s>
* <s>Block trades with the same item, fixed on server</s>
* <s>Make it more clear that Actions under Teams can be expanded. - Expanded by default</s>
* <s>Apply new coming styling</s>
* <s>Don't reset treasure mount view when there is a new location (and new data being fetched) or at least do NOT modify existing lists of parts so it looks like they are gone. Fixed in 1.4.12</s>
* <s>Add info on how many players that have solved missions. [https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikMelkersson/posts/3bmhtcqd5me?sfc=false] Fixed in 1.4.12</s>
* <s>Bug with "Invalid fountain" when placing a worker, at some specific fountains, when they really should be empty. Probably fixed, not reported since last fix, on server side.</s>
* <s>[[Facility Design Remake]] - Done</s>
* <s>Capture double click and us as place as much as possible, or something? - maybe a setting...</s>
* <s>Member count in team: Make it so team members can contribute to the cost of the next level and have bars for the 5 colors. (pick the cost, and current levels from the existing team member hq)</s>
* <s>+ and - om draggable amount selector in trade, or ability to enter number - the +/1 was added</s>
* <s>Make codes more obvoius what they are to new players. Establish contact action on contact codes in the chat (chat messages with codes are marked so they may be handled diffently) - 1.6.6</s>
= Coming/Wanted =
'''In no order'''
== Contact center ==
* Extra facility and/or ability to pay some crystals to ...
* ... do a "give contacts check" on a person. Gives you a list of contacts you have, but the other one don't.
== Facilities ==
* Facilities/upgrades without power has no or less effect

* Make it more clear that Actions under Teams can be expanded.
== Energy ==
Today different actions like extracting a treasure etc may be done once per time unit and then you wait until you may do that actions again.

* Report errors I catch with analytics. For example when paring data from server
New idea:
* Analytics with waiting for server times
* You have an amount of energy. A "bar" with a max value.
* The energy slowly increase up to the max value over time.
* The max of the energy could increase a little for every level you gain.
* When you do an action (example: extract a treasure) it costs energy.
* The facility (example: Treasure finder) set the amount of energy it costs. (Today the recharge time is exponentially decreasing per level, instead the energy cost would be decreasing in the same way)
* This way you could choose what to use your energy on, just extracting treasures

* Fix bug: "Invalid worker" when placing many workers with lots of network errors. Possible solution: Apply actions even if they can not be sent again. Will that help?
Some comments:
* Check bugs at: https://bitbucket.org/erik_melkersson/color-planet/issues/
* Radar, would use same energy.
* Avoid sending several email when using new device
* Planned other types of "treasure hunts" would use the same energy.
* Bug with "Invalid fountain" when placing a worker, at some specific fountains, when they really should be empty.
* Spawning workers could be done in the same way?
* The energy could also be used for upgrading planned ground buildings, instead of having a limit on the number of crystals you may donate per time unit, the limit is how many energy you have.

= Ideas - i want to include, sometime =
== Ground buildings ==
* Ability to buy anonymous support markers for someone else
Players at some level (5?) get one "module". Next level gives you one more etc. All modules have the players color.
* + and - om draggable amount selector in trade, or ability to enter number
* On start on color selection: show player count of colors on existing active players
* System automatically add trade offers from time to time... every 23 hours? (removed as usual after a week) - Some kind of transmitter part for crystals?
* Add info on how many players that have solved missions. [https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikMelkersson/posts/3bmhtcqd5me?sfc=false]
* Collectibles, that you can make something lasting with
* Wiki page with info to translators
** General info about some words and how to translate them
** Info about app, bitbucket etc
** <s>Info about wiki</s>
* Some kind of donate, buy function to support the costs - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikMelkersson/posts/JsYT6zyD3qK?cfem=1

= Design - thinking =
=== Harvest factory ===
Cooperation building - many people may interact with it
* Rymd/Scifi-känsla men ändå lite gulligt inslag.
* Just nu finns både märk och ljus variant av det mesta.
* Saknar entydig stil. Knappar och kanske någon variant av ram eller liknande på dialoger.
* PNG och PNG9 är det som hgäller i appen men de är ju bra att bygga saker i vektrobaserat för att kunna skala upp men generera till lagom bilder till appen.
* Spelare har en av de 5 färgerna.
* Jag är inte låste till de uppdelningar av vyer jag har nu, jag är öppen för förslag om det är något som är bättre.
** Jag har tidigare tänkt mig att det är kartan och basen man utgår från och så kan man klicka på t.ex. spawnern för att kunna spawn-a workers. Samma sak kan vara med handel, chat etc. DÅ skulle det ersätta delar av menyn där nere.
* Dialog eller fullstorlek på de vyerna. Jag är lite inkonsekvent...
* Stil på knappar/ikoner: tänk ringen med symboler i Startgate. De jag har är dessutom lite olika tjocka vilket gör att de upplevs lustigt.
* Kartan stödjer två typer av "ikoner" på sig: Platta med storlek som skalar vid zoom och markörer som står rakt upp men som behåller stolek vid zoom.
* Begränsade utvecklingsresurser
* Användare som skriver översättningar.
* Fungera liggande/stående (större yta på platta)

* App icon, Google play images (
* One player of level 7 or better may build it. It cost 1000 crystals per type.
** Högupplöst ikon, 512 x 512, 32-bitars PNG (med alfa)
* Initially the building has space for 5 modules, one of each color.
** Funktionsbild, 1024 b x 500 h, JPG eller 24-bitars PNG (inte alfa)
* Players at location may insert one "module" into it. The modules remain until the player him/herself removes them. (Removal may be done from a distance)
** Grafik för marknadsföring, 180 b x 120 h, JPG eller 24-bitars PNG (inte alfa)
** Tv-banner, 1 280 bred och 720 hög, JPG eller 24-bitars PNG (inte alfa)

Spelets vyer
* Komma in i spelet på något bra sätt. Intro - basic "movie"?
* All players visiting the location may harvest from it once per day, the player receives something.
** Jag har missions som gör att man ska komma igång... kanske räcker, men bli mycket text att läsa direkt.
* The one building the building and all players having modules receives something when a player harvest. (not yourself)
* The output of the building depends on the number of modules in it. (Really lousy with just one or two)

* Main menu där nere och de man fäller ut.  
* When at a new level, it gets space for another set of modules. I.e. first one of each color, then two of each colors etc.
* It costs a lot of crystals to upgrade the building. Increasing for every level. (Idea: 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, or maybe times sqrt(2) for every level?)
* All players at the location may donate crystals to the construction. Max 1 donation at a max limit per day and user. (Maybe 100 per user and day?)
** And/or if Energy is introduced, the energy may be used for upgrading.
* When a level is reached, the best donators receives something. The "top" shall be visible when visiting the building.

* Kartan: Själva kartan är svårt att göra så mycket med men alla ikoner på den och deras visning.
What you get from harvesting, having modules inserted and building it (Just ideas)
** Bilderna som visas på kartan.
* On 1-5 modules, crystals
** Två av sakerna under kartan är klickbara, inte helt självklart men dumt med för mycket över kartan. Någonting utfällbart, kanske även med text då, kanske?
* On 6-10 modules, transmitter parts too
** Extra: Tanke på dem med uppladdningstid är att ha någon sort visare (bar) som visar hur mycket som finns i dem i stället för nedräkningstid.
* On 11+ modules, receive team credits and/or personal score
* The setup of module colors influence the color of what you receive
* The builder gets score in that area for every module currently inserted?

* Basen/Facilities (Huset):
Related: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikMelkersson/posts/RihtGHzbhNM
** Göra om helt och hållet. Ha rutmönster där man bygger på byggnader (2x2 eller mer?) och utökningar (1x1?) på dessa.
** Låta det bli någon form av minispel (min sak att hitta på), eller i alla fall något man kan hålla på att flytta runt så man kan visa sina vänner, även om, det inte påverkar så mycket i själva spelet.
** Behövs bilder för alla byggnader (grundbyggnad plus de man bygger) och deras uppgraderingar och någon form av startenhet.

* Workers:
=== Monolith ===
** Tydliggöra saker. Begripligt att det är antal, de i basen och de utplacerade.
"single player building": - other people see it and may do only a little with it.
** Spawn (m kostnad) och skicka hem.

* Transmitters:
** Tydliggöra saker. Begripligt att det är byggda, hur man bygger och delar.
* Costs significant amount to build (so you only will build it where people will actually see it or harvest nearby)
* Needs one module to operate.
* May only be build by player at level 8 or better
* Lasts forever (or until owner removes it?)

* Chat:
** Verkar vara någorlunda begriplig men ikoner och knappar ska följa samma stil.
* Lets you get something from players doing stuff in nearby area, a bonus on collecting or something. Including yourself.

* Missions:
Other players:
** Verkar vara någorlunda begriplig men ikoner och knappar ska följa samma stil.
* May contact you from the monolith.

* Score:
* Does it have a color? (For example a blue monolith, maybe just affects collecting blue crystals)

* Team:
== Bug handling ==
** Ikoner för monuments.
''' Note: Only a few displayed here'''
* Fix bug: "Invalid worker" when placing many workers with lots of network errors. Possible solution: Apply actions even if they can not be sent again. Will that help?
* Check bugs at: https://bitbucket.org/erik_melkersson/color-planet/issues/
* Avoid sending several email when using new device

* Trade:
== Automated bug handling ==
** Bonus: Förbättra "flödet" för hur man lägger till och accepterar bud.
* Report errors I catch with analytics. For example when paring data from server
** Ikon för kostnad och vad man får. Går det att göra begripligt?
* Analytics with waiting for server times

* Contacts:
== "Customizable" UI ==
* User settings:
Add the ability to set what icons is displayed as tabs and what are in the menu. Also add ability to change order.
* Local settings:
* Notifications settings:

* Statistics:
== UI feature requests ==
** Bonus: Något som spelarna upplever som roligt att visa. SOm kan delas på soc media eller skryta för andra... eller så. (Jag har ideer om att visa uppgifter så man kan jämföra sig med andra på något sätt. Den bästa på varje post eller något.)
* Would be nice if the option to "bring home all workers" was added to fountains and portals
* Could you add an option to view only treasures? Also, when a treasure spawns on top of a fountain, it can be difficult to select the treasure and not the fountain beneath it (solved when not seeing/clicking on treasures)
* Setting to not see, or at least not click on fountains

* Wiki:
== Mixed feature requests ==
* Synch:
* On start on color selection: show player count of colors on existing active players
* About:
* Minimize amount of contacts codes in that chat to avoid bloating
* Ability to buy anonymous support markers for someone else
** Blev tråkigt att tvinga på dem ytterligare en dialog, så jag tog bort det tvånget och bara la den som en text här.

* Skattjakt:
== Automated trades ==
** Kan nog göras mer intressant men någon form av 1:a person vy, det går at tilta kartan (två fingrar swipe up) och låsa på min pos.
* System automatically add trade offers from time to time... every 23 hours? (removed as usual after a week) - Some kind of transmitter part for crystals?

* Collectibles
== Collectibles ==
** Ny funktion. Samla på saker som man får tag i sällan. (Har testat lite med "Prism".)
Today you may actually collect "contacts", but that is not enough...
* Collectibles, that you can make something lasting with. The collectibles may be found in treasures.

== Documentation ==
* Wiki page with info to translators
** General info about some words and how to translate them
** Info about app, bitbucket etc
** <s>Info about wiki</s>

* Prioritet för saker att göra: (som jag funderar på innan, kanske kan ändra uppfattning under diskussionen)
== Player motivation ==
*# Få en "stil" på spelet. Knappar, dialoger etc.
* ... missions, gives you some motivation. What I would like to have some kind of RPG aspect in it. Having a character and to gather equipement for it (buy it for crystals or find it in treasures). Also, there could be some more interesting things in treasures, like "Whip of impatience" which when used doubles the collecting speed of your workers for a short time period, or "Lasso" which when used extends your range, so that you could collect treasures from 160 metres instead of 80. Or stuff like this...
*# Insäljning: bilder för google play och komma igång i spelet.
*# Facilities och den hanteringen med ev justerad menyhantering.
*# Resten

== More Treasure Hunt ==
* Another variant of Treasure Hunt: Start it, you get a limited time, say 30 minutes to visit (pretty close) existing fountains. You get stuff on how many (and maybe what colors?) you have visited in that time and get stuff. Either you get stuff instantly (increasing "value" with every visit) or get it afterwards.
