Facility Design Remake
Ideas for design remake of facilities
- Core - 2x2 - 2 or 3 ports
- Spawner - 3x2 - Spawner and storage of the worker in own color?
- Upgrade - 1x1 - 2 small ports (or 3 on some?), varying positions.
- Storage of other color worker - 1x1 - 2 small ports, varying positions?
- Portal gtw - 3x3 like plus sign? - T or L shape?
- Upgrade 1x1 - or expanding main facility?
- Probe - 2x2, 2 ports, 1 or 2 small
- Upgrade 1x1
- Trade Post/Transfer, T-shape with ports - or size change with upgrades instead of upgrade boxes?
- Upgrade with ports? 1x1 or 2 on one side?
- Transformer - 3x3 with small icon, expanding per level? (no upgrade things)
- Treasure extractor (finder). L -shape (no upgrade things)
- Team hq
- Different upgrades per level or just bigger box?
- Fountain tracker - 1x1 - 1 port
- Fountain scanner - 1x1 - 1 port
Upgrades must have at least 2 ports, maybe varying with type or upgrade or random when buying it? Or 3 and the missing one is define by the type?