<= Back
Existing translations
- aboutFeedback: Feedback, support and bragging
- aboutFeedbackButtonDiscord: Discord
- aboutFeedbackButtonFacebook: Facebook
- aboutText1: Development: Erik Melkersson
- aboutText2: Original idea by: Erik Melkersson & Filip Wiltgren
- aboutText3: Game design: Filip Wiltgren, Valentín 'Deaymon' Delgado, Simon "LuneFox" Poludo
- aboutThanks: Thanks to (testing and ideas): Daniel Schander, Kenth Fredholm, Peter Skov, Memo Ayar, Jonas Petersson, Jeanette Hedman, Magnus Gustavsson, Alexander Schübel, Andreas Tepper, Patrick Drechsler, Matthias Hoefel, Paul Gabriel, Valentín 'Deaymon' Delgado, Павел Костин and many more.
- aboutTitle: About ColorPlanet
- aboutTranslateGoto: Open translation page
- aboutTranslateInfo: Open the page and login using the same account as here to add/edit translations.
- aboutTranslatePasswordIsSet: New translate password has been set!
- aboutTranslateTitle: Help translate this app.
- aboutUnknownVersion: (unknown version)
- aboutWikiInfo: Updating and translating it. Some MediaWiki knowledge needed (or gained). Account creation is manual so it may take some time.
- aboutWikiRequestAccount: Request wiki account.
- aboutWikiTitle: Help out with Wiki documentation.
- actionAcceptTradeOffer: Accept trade offer.
- actionAcceptTradeOfferDesc: Exchange goods with another player.
- actionAddTradeOffer: Add trade offer.
- actionAddTradeOfferDesc: Create a new offer to exchange goods with other players.
- actionBuildFacility: Build %s
- actionBuildingDonate: Donate
- actionBuildingDonateDesc: You may donate crystals to upgrade the building once per day.
- actionBuildingHarvest: Collect harvest!
- actionBuildingHarvestDesc: You may collect a harvest once per day.
- actionBuildingHarvestNoModule: At least one module must be inserted first.
- actionBuildMonument: Build monument!
- actionBuildMonumentDesc: Build a new type of monument.
- actionBuildMonumentNotEnoughCredits: Credits %1$d / %2$d
- actionChangeColorDesc: Changing color removes ALL of your things!
- actionChangeColorDone: Your color is now changed. Now start by spawning some workers again…
- actionChangeColorTitle: Change your attuned color.
- actionChangeColorX: Change your attuned color to %s.
- actionChatAdd: Add chat message.
- actionChatAddDesc: Post message: %s
- actionChatAddToMessage: Send in chat message.
- actionChatAddToMessageDesc: Adds %s in the message compose field.
- actionChatFilterAll: All
- actionChatFilterAllDesc: No filtering
- actionChatFilterBig: Big area
- actionChatFilterBigDesc: In my current big score area
- actionChatFilterMe: Tagged me
- actionChatFilterMeDesc: All messages where someone has entered @ before your username
- actionChatFilterMedium: Medium area
- actionChatFilterMediumDesc: In my current medium score area
- actionClaimTeam: Claim team administrator
- actionClaimTeamDesc: Start the process to become an administrator of this team that lacks an active administrator. It will take some time and existing administrators will be notified and may stop the process.
- actionClaimTreasure: Claim treasure
- actionClaimTreasureDesc: Get the contents of the treasure
- actionClaimTreasureDoneText: You got:
- actionClaimTreasureDoneTitle: Treasure claimed
- actionCopy: Copy to clipboard
- actionCopyDesc: Copies the text in the message to your android's clipboard
- actionCopyDone: Text copied to clipboard
- actionCostCredits: %d credits
- actionDowngradeFacility: Downgrade
- actionDowngradeFacilityDesc: If you undo the last upgrade you will not receive a refund of the crystals you previously spent. You will be able to repurchase a different upgrade for the previous price.
- actionDowngradeFacilityDescFromTo: From %1$s to %2$s
- actionDowngradeFacilityDescWorker: If you want to build another upgrade for the cost of the last upgrade. NO cost is refunded. Warning any workers at level %d will be downgraded.
- actionDowngradeFacilitySpawnerWarning: Warning: Workers losing a level
- actionDowngradeFacilitySpawnerWarningDesc: Workers at level %1$d will be downgraded to level %2$d if you proceed with downgrading worker spawner
- actionDowngradeFacilityX: Downgrade %s
- actionFacebook: Facebook
- actionFacebookDesc: Open players facebook page
- actionFacNeeded: Build %s facility first
- actionGotoArea: Go to area
- actionGotoAreaDesc: Displays the map and scrolls to the area
- actionHomeWorker: Bring worker level %d home
- actionHomeWorkersAll: Bring all workers home
- actionHomeWorkersColor: Bring all %s workers home
- actionHomeWorkersDesc: Interrupt collecting and bring workers home with what they have collected so far
- actionHomeWorkersDescSpec: Interrupt collecting and bring workers home with %.1f crystals
- actionInsertModule: Insert module
- actionInsertModuleDesc: Insert an available module into this building to get benefits from it in the future.
- actionInsertModuleNoAvailable: No module available
- actionLoadAll: Load all data
- actionLoadAllDesc: Synchronize all data from server
- actionLoadMap: Load map
- actionLoadMapDesc: Loads information for a new map area
- actionLoadScore: Load score
- actionLoadScoreDesc: Information on the high score in different areas
- actionLoadTradeOffer: Load trade offers
- actionLoadTradeOfferDesc: Updates the list of active trade offers
- actionMakeTeamAdmin: Make Administrator
- actionMakeTeamAdminDesc: Give administrator privileges to user. Warning: This cannot be undone!
- actionMakeTeamAdminPlayer: Make %s team administrator
- actionMakeTeamAdminSuccess: %s became team administrator
- actionMarkMessageRead: Mark messages as read
- actionMarkMissionRead: Mark done mission as read
- actionMarkMissionReadDesc: This action is just here to prevent you from seeing the same message again
- actionMaxUseRadius: Get closer. %1$.0fm > %2$.0fm
- actionMergeTransmitterParts: Merge %1$d parts
- actionMergeTransmitterPartsDesc: Merge every two parts into one part that is one level higher.
- actionMergeTransmitterPartsFacLevel: Upgrade Transformer facility to level %1$d or better
- actionMergeTransmitterPartsMany: Merge many parts
- actionMergeTransmitterPartsToFew: You need at least %d identical parts to merge them
- actionMergeWorker: Merge %d workers
- actionMergeWorkerDesc: Merge every two workers into one worker that is one level higher.
- actionMergeWorkerRequiresSpawnerLevel: Requires a worker spawner of level %d or better
- actionMergeWorkerRequiresTwo: Requires at least two identical workers
- actionMergeWorkersMany: Merge many workers
- actionModulateWorker: Modulate to %s worker
- actionModulateWorkerDesc: Changes it into a %s worker
- actionModulateWorkerFacNoSupport: You need to upgrade %s worker modulator facility to support more workers first
- actionModulateWorkerRequireFacility: A worker modulator facility is needed
- actionModules: Modules
- actionModulesDesc: Show usage of modules
- actionMountTransmitter: Mount transmitter
- actionMountTransmitterDesc: Assemble parts to build a transmitter
- actionMovePortal: Move portal
- actionMovePortalDesc: Moves a portal to a new location
- actionNavigateTo: Navigate with Google Maps
- actionNavigateToDesc: Open Google Maps with this location set as destination
- actionNavigateToNoApp: Suitable Google Maps not found on this device
- actionNotEnoughCrystals: Not enough crystals
- actionPendingWarning: NOTE: You have %d pending, not yet performed, actions.
- actionPlacePortal: Place portal
- actionPlacePortalDesc: Put a portal on the ground to be able to place workers there later
- actionPlacePortalSuccess: Portal placed for %s
- actionPlaceTransmitter: Place transmitter
- actionPlaceTransmitterDesc: To give you points in that area
- actionPlaceTransmitterPost: Transmitter placed
- actionPlaceWorker: Place worker
- actionPlaceWorkerDesc: Put a worker to work at a fountain
- actionPlaceWorkerLevel: Place level %d worker
- actionPlayerLevelNeeded: Player level %d needed
- actionPreventClaimTeam: Prevent team administrator claim
- actionPreventClaimTeamDesc: A user wants to become the administrator of this team, as existing ones have been inactive. Do you want to stop this process and keep managing the team, or maybe give privileges to someone else?
- actionPreventTeamAdminRemove: Stay team administrator
- actionPreventTeamAdminRemoveDesc: Another admin questioned your administrator privileges as you were inactive. This action will stop the process and let you keep them.
- actionPrisms: Prisms
- actionPrismsDesc: Your collection
- actionPrivateChat: Private chat
- actionPrivateChatDesc: Open chat view with this user
- actionPushTreasureDesc: Relocate the treasure relative to your position. This also extends the period until you can extract the next treasure.
- actionPushTreasureLeft: Nudge counterclockwise (left)
- actionPushTreasureRight: Nudge clockwise (right)
- actionRearrangeUpgrades: Rearrange upgrades
- actionRearrangeUpgradesDesc: Change the order of the upgrades to change workers properties
- actionRearrangeUpgradesNoUpgrades: No upgrades to reorder yet
- actionRearrangeUpgradesWorkerWarning: Warning: Brings back workers
- actionRearrangeUpgradesWorkerWarningDesc: All workers placed will be brought back before reordering their properties
- actionReclaimPortal: Reclaim
- actionReclaimPortalDesc: Bring it back to my control
- actionRegister: Register
- actionRegisterDesc: Start a new player account
- actionRemoveBuilding: Remove
- actionRemoveBuildingDesc: Destroy the building. Note that you will get only half of the cost back.
- actionRemoveModule: Remove module
- actionRemoveModuleDesc: Get the module back so it may be inserted in another building
- actionRemovePortal: Withdraw portal
- actionRemovePortalDesc: Removes it from the ground. Can be replaced somewhere near you.
- actionRemoveTradeOffer: Remove trade offer
- actionRemoveTradeOfferDesc: Cancel a trade offer you have made
- actionSendContact: Connect 2 players
- actionSendContactDesc: Establishes contact between two players
- actionSendContactDone: The two players are now in contact
- actionSendContactX: Connect %1$s with another player
- actionSendContactXToY: Connect %1$s and %2$s
- actionSendPurchases: Synchronize purchases
- actionSendPurchasesDesc: Sending what you have bought to the server
- actionsEstablishContact: Establish Contact
- actionsEstablishContactDesc: Establish contact with a new player
- actionsEstablishContactDone: Connection established
- actionsEstablishContactWithXDone: Connection established with %s
- actionSetFacPos: Save positions
- actionSetFacPosConnected: All facilities and upgrades must be powered by the core
- actionSetFacPosDesc: Save the positions of the facilities and upgrades
- actionSetFacPosOverlap: Facilities and upgrades must not overlap
- actionSetInvitedBy: Set invited by
- actionSetInvitedByDesc: You entered who invited you, send that to server.
- actionSetSettings: Set settings
- actionSetSettingsDesc: Save settings you have made
- actionSetTranslatePassword: Set translate password
- actionSetUserData: Set user information
- actionSetUserDataDesc: Save the info you entered
- actionShare: Share
- actionShareDesc: Share to a social media, selected next.
- actionShortlistAdd: Add to short list
- actionShortlistAddDesc: Displayed in the top of user selections
- actionShortlistRemove: Remove from short list
- actionShortlistRemoveDesc: Not displayed in the top
- actionShowAbout: About Color Planet
- actionShowAboutDesc: About this game
- actionShowContacts: Contacts
- actionShowContactsDesc: Other players
- actionShowEula: End user license agreement
- actionShowEulaDesc: You have to accept this to play the game.
- actionShowLocalSettings: Local Settings
- actionShowLocalSettingsDesc: Local settings on this device
- actionShowMyTeamDesc: Team Information
- actionShowNotificationSettings: Notification settings
- actionShowNotificationSettingsDesc: When to contact you
- actionShowPortals: Portals
- actionShowPortalsDesc: List all your and available portals
- actionShowScore: Score
- actionShowScoreArea: Score for centered area
- actionShowScoreDesc: Rankings
- actionShowShop: Shop
- actionShowShopDesc: Support this game
- actionShowStatistics: Statistics
- actionShowStatisticsDesc: Numbers, and more numbers
- actionShowTeam: Team handling
- actionShowTeamDesc: Join or help found a team
- actionShowTrade: Trade
- actionShowTradeDesc: Make good deals
- actionShowUserSettings: User Settings
- actionShowUserSettingsDesc: Information about you
- actionShowWiki: Wiki
- actionShowWikiDesc: Show documentation in wiki online
- actionSpawnWorker: Spawn worker
- actionSpawnWorkerDesc: Creates a new worker
- actionSpawnWorkerPost: You got a level %d worker
- actionStartProbe: Start radar
- actionStartProbeDesc: Starting the radar expands the visible area for the time period specified by your radar facility.
- actionStartRemoveAdminFromTeam: Remove team administrator
- actionStartRemoveAdminFromTeamDesc: Start the process to take away the administrator privileges from the inactive player. A notification will be sent with the ability to stop the process. If not stopped it will be processed in one week.
- actionStartRemoveAdminFromTeamPlayer: Remove team administrator from %s
- actionStartRemoveAdminFromTeamSuccess: Started process to remove administrator privileges from %s
- actionStartSpawnMaze: Spawn maze
- actionStartSpawnMazeDesc: Gives you a time limited ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. Note that you should be standing still when starting. Start one now?
- actionStartSpawnMazeStarted: You can rotate the maze around you to fit your walking path. Long press on the arrow icon and rotate it. Pick up items by moving near them. NOTE: If you hit the border you loose and the maze is gone until next time you can spawn one.
- actionStartTreasureHunt: Extract treasure
- actionStartTreasureHuntDesc: Extracting treasures from the fountain sources gives you the ability to obtain crystals plus other useful rare objects. Pick them up by moving near them. Do you want to start one now?
- actionStartTreasureHuntStarted: New treasures were extracted and are marked on the map. Now go get them!
- actionSynchronize: Synchronize
- actionSynchronizeDesc: Reload data now
- actionSynchronizeToast: Removing and reloading all data…
- actionTag: Tag in public chat
- actionTargetTreasure: Target treasure
- actionTargetTreasureDesc: Focus on finding this treasure
- actionTeamAccept: Accept invitation
- actionTeamAcceptDesc: Join this team
- actionTeamAcceptSuccess: Joined team. You can see the team in your menu.
- actionTeamAdminLeave: Renounce Administrator
- actionTeamAdminLeaveDesc: Stop being an admin of this team. Warning: Can not be undone!
- actionTeamAdminLeaveDone: You are no longer an administrator of the team
- actionTeamAlreadyMember: You already are a member of a team
- actionTeamDisband: Disband Team
- actionTeamDisbandDesc: Delete your team completely.
WARNING: This action can not be undone.
- actionTeamFound: Found team
- actionTeamFoundDesc: Start a new team
- actionTeamFoundHQFirst: You need to build your team headquarters first
- actionTeamFoundSuccess: New pending team created. You can see the team in your menu.
- actionTeamHandover: Hand over team
- actionTeamHandoverDesc: Hand over the team to another player
- actionTeamHandoverDone: Team was handed over to %s
- actionTeamHandoverNoOtherMember: No member to hand over to
- actionTeamHandoverPlayer: Hand over the team to %s
- actionTeamHQLevelFirst: You need a Team Headquarter at level %d first
- actionTeamInvite: Invite user
- actionTeamInviteDesc: Invite another user to join the team
- actionTeamInvitePlayer: Invite %s to team
- actionTeamInvitePlayerRemove: Remove team invite to %s
- actionTeamInviteRemove: Remove team invite
- actionTeamInviteRemoveDesc: Stop inviting this player to the team
- actionTeamInviteRemoveSuccess: Removed team invite to %s
- actionTeamInviteSuccess: %s was invited to join team
- actionTeamKick: Kick from team
- actionTeamKickDesc: Remove from your team
- actionTeamKickPlayer: Kick %s from team
- actionTeamKickSuccess: %s was kicked from team
- actionTeamLeave: Leave team
- actionTeamLeaveDesc: Don't be a member of this team
- actionTeamLeaveDone: You have left the team
- actionTeamMsgAdd: Add message to team members
- actionTeamNeedAdmin: Only for team administrator
- actionTeamReject: Reject invitation
- actionTeamRejectDesc: Do NOT join this team
- actionTeamReply: Invite to %s
- actionTeamReplyDesc: Reply to invite to team
- actionTeamSetData: Set team data
- actionTeamSetDataDesc: Store the information you entered about the team
- actionTeamSizeUpgrade: Donate %s crystals to team
- actionTeamSizeUpgradeDesc: Donate crystals so the team's size may increase.
- actionTransformWorkers: Transform %d workers to transmitter parts
- actionTransformWorkersDesc: Destroys the workers and gives you parts for building transmitters
- actionTransformWorkersMany: Transform many workers
- actionTransformWorkersPostText: You got:
- actionTransformWorkersPostTitle: Workers transformed
- actionTransmit: Transmit %1$s
- actionTransmitCrystalDesc: Give away crystals to another player
- actionTransmitHomeGateBusy: Trade Post facility is busy. Wait %s
- actionTransmitNoHomeGate: You must build a Trade Post facility first
- actionTransmitNTo: Transmit %3$d %1$s to %2$s
- actionTransmitTo: Transmit %1$s to %2$s
- actionTransmitTransmitterDesc: Transmit to another player (they may place it for you)
- actionTransmitTransmitterPartsDesc: Give away to another player
- actionTwitter: Twitter
- actionTwitterDesc: Open players twitter page
- actionUpgradeFacility: Upgrade %s
- actionUpgradeFacilityDesc: Improve the facility. Upgrade selected next.
- actionUpgradeFacilityDescFromTo: From %1$s to %2$s
- actionUserMsgAdd: Add message to user
- actionUserProfile: View user profile
- actionUserProfileDesc: Opens a dialog with information about this user
- addTradeCost: Cost (you get)
- addTradeForSale: For sale (you pay)
- addTradeHowMany: How many?
- addTradePriceSelect: Price
- addTradeSelectPrice: Select your price
- addTradeSellItems: Sell items
- addTradeSellType: Sell item type
- addTradeTitle: Make trade offer
- amountMetersText: Select how many meters
- amountText: Select amount
- app_name: ColorPlanet
- blockedActionsText: What should be done with these actions that have not yet been performed?
- blockedActionsTitle: Blocked actions
- buildingCooperation: Cooperative Collector
- buildingCooperationDesc: Persistent cooperative building on the ground. Modules may be inserted to improve performance.
- buildingDonations: Donations
- buildingDonationsDesc: Upgrade the building with donations
- buildingFounder: Founder: %s
- buildingLevel: Level %d
- buildingLevelInfo: Level %1$d, allows %2$d modules
- buildingLevelUpInfo: Leveling up increases from %1$d to %2$d allowed modules.
- buildingModules: Modules inserted
- buildingModulesDesc: Show inserted modules and add or remove yours
- buildingTower: Collector
- buildingTowerDesc: Persistent single player building on the ground. Need a module to operate.
- changeColorSelectColor: Select your color
- changeColorTitle: Change Color
- changeColorWarning: WARNING: All your workers, facilities, transmitter parts and transmitters will be lost
- chatAddUserTag: +User
- chatFilterAll: Public chat - World
- chatFilterDesc: Select how to filter chat messages
- chatFilterTaggedMe: Public chat - Tagged me
- chatFilterThisBig: Public chat - This big area
- chatFilterThisBigUnknown: Public chat - This big area (unknown location)
- chatFilterThisMedium: Public chat - This medium area
- chatFilterThisMediumUnknown: Public chat - This medium area (unknown location)
- chatFilterTitle: Filter chat
- chatMessageAction: Select action
- chatNoTextEntered: No text entered.
- chatPlaceholder: Enter message and recipients here
- chatPrivateNoUser: Error: No user selected in private chat
- chatPrivateTitle: Private chat - %s
- chatSelectUser: Chat with user
- chatSubmit: Submit
- chatSystemTitle: System messages
- chatTagUser: Tag user
- chatTeamTitle: Team chat - %s
- chatTeamTitleNoTeam: Team chat - (Not in a team yet)
- confirmAreYouSure: Are you sure?
- contactListEstablishContact: Establish contact
- contactListInvitePlayers: Invite players
- contactsTitle: Contacts
- cost: Cost
- costTooMuch: Too much
- crashEmail: Compose E-mail
- crashSubtitle: Please get this message to the developer of this application so the error may be fixed. Contact by email, in Discord or Facebook.
- crashTitle: Oh no! It crashed
- crystal: Crystal
- crystalDescFull: In store: %1$.1f
In %4$d active workers: %2$.1f
Total workers: %3$d
Idle workers: %5$d
- crystalDescSimple: Amount: %.1f
- dialogAccept: Accept
- dialogBuild: Build
- dialogCancel: Cancel
- dialogClose: Close
- dialogDiscard: Discard
- dialogInvite: Invite
- dialogNo: No
- dialogOk: OK
- dialogRemove: Remove
- dialogRetry: Retry
- dialogSave: Save
- dialogSet: Set
- dialogStart: Start
- dialogYes: Yes
- errorActionResultParts: Got some stuff but an error occurred while trying to show what you got. Error: %s. Please report this.
- errorFromServer: Some kind of error in reply from server: %d
- errorUnhandledInternalAction: Unhandled internal action: %d. Please report this.
- establishContactClaimButton: Claim contact code
- establishContactCode: Contact code %s
- establishContactCodeDesc: How would you like to share it?
- establishContactEnterCode: Enter a contact code
- establishContactShareCode: To get in contact with me in the game Color Planet Resources use code %s.
If you don't have the Android game it may be found on
- establishContactText: You may contact other players by finding their workers on the map or by using a contact code.
- establishContactTitle: Establish contact
- establishContactYourCodes: Contact codes you may share
- eulaConfirm: I have read and understand
- eulaText: <p><b>Thou shalt not cheat</b> (but if you do find a way to do it, you shall report it so it may get fixed).</p><p><b>Thou shalt not play and drive a vehicle at the same time</b> (for yours and other's safety).</p><p><b>Thou shalt only have one account</b> (you may use the same account on multiple devices, but not at the same time)</p><p><b>Thou shalt not use someone else's account unless they are present</b> (Example: if you are sitting next to the driver of a car you may help the driver play)</p><p><b>Thou shalt be nice to other players and have fun</b> (this is just a game, remember)</p>
- eulaTitle: End user license agreement
- eventPortalPlaced: Placed a portal for other player
- eventPortalSent: Sent a portal to other player
- eventTeamFoundStarted: Started to found a new team
- eventTreasurePickedUp: Picked a piece of treasure you extracted
- facContactCenter: Contact Center
- facContactCenterDesc: Lets you list only new contacts when connecting people. This extra facility cannot be upgraded.
- facCoreInfo: This is your source of energy and all facilities must be connected to your core. This is also the place where you build new facilities. Move the other facilities and upgrades by long press and dragging them.
- facCoreTitle: Core
- facExtraFacilities: Extra facilities
- facFountainScanner: Fountain scanner
- facFountainScannerDesc: Shows how much is currently left in a fountain. Extra facility, cannot be upgraded.
- facFountainTracker: Fountain tracker
- facFountainTrackerDesc: Shows if you have used a fountain or not on the map. The option to use it is displayed at the map view settings (the eye). Extra facility, cannot be upgraded.
- facHomeGate: Trade Post
- facHomeGateDesc: Allows trading and transmitting objects to other players
- facilityBusyRechargedIn: Recharged in %s
- facilityLevel: Level %d
- facilityLevelShort: L
- facilityPreTextContactCenter: Extra facility giving you the ability to only show new contacts (for the receiver) when connecting people.
- facilityPreTextFountainScanner: Extra facility giving you ability to show how much is currently left in a fountain.
- facilityPreTextFountainTracker: Extra facility giving you ability to show if you have used a fountain.
- facilityPreTextHomeGate: Main facility making it possible to transfer things to other players and to use trading.
- facilityPreTextMazeSpawner: Main facility giving you ability to spawn mazes.
- facilityPreTextPortalGtw: Main facility supporting portals. Portals allow you to place workers in an area after you have left.
- facilityPreTextProbeLauncher: Main facility giving you a radar, i.e. view bigger areas on the ground.
- facilityPreTextSpawner: Main facility giving you ability to spawn and upgrade workers.
- facilityPreTextTeamHq: Main facility used for team interaction.
- facilityPreTextTreasureFinder: Main facility giving you ability to extract treasures.
- facilityPreTextWorker2TP: Main facility giving you ability to transform workers into transmitter parts used for building transmitters.
- facilityPreTextWorkerModulator: Main facility giving you ability to have workers of other colors.
- facilityPropertyDays: days
- facilityPropertyMeters: m
- facilityPropertyMinutes: min
- facilityPropertyOffers: offers
- facilitySpawnerOrWait:
or wait %s
- facilityUnknown: Unknown facility: %d
- facilityUpgradeTextHomeGame: Recharge time/make trade offers
- facilityUpgradeTextPortalGtwNumber: Number of portals
- facilityUpgradeTextPortalGtwRange: Range
- facilityUpgradeTextPortalGtwTTL: Portal life length
- facilityUpgradeTextProbeLauncherDuration: Radar duration
- facilityUpgradeTextProbeLauncherProbeTime: Radar range
- facilityUpgradeTextProbeLauncherReloadTime: Reload time
- facilityUpgradeTextSpawnerCapacity: Capacity, how much your worker may bring back from a fountain
- facilityUpgradeTextSpawnerMineCount: Competition, number of other's workers at fountain when placing your worker
- facilityUpgradeTextSpawnerOtherCount: Cooperation, max number of your workers allowed at a fountain to be able to place an additional worker
- facilityUpgradeTextTreasureFinder: Recharge time
- facMainFacilities: Main facilities
- facMazeSpawner: Maze spawner
- facMazeSpawnerDesc: Ability to spawn mazes to get treasures that you may pick up. Spawn button available on the map.
- facMoveInfo: Move them around so that none overlap and all are powered.
Long press and drag to move a facility or upgrade.
- facPortalGateway: Portal Gateway
- facPortalGatewayDesc: Supports portals. Portals are used for placing workers on places you have visited.
- facProbeLauncher: Radar
- facProbeLauncherDesc: Radar ability, i.e. view bigger areas on the ground. Radar button is displayed on the map.
- facSpawner: Worker Spawner
- facSpawnerDesc: Used to spawn and upgrade workers. Defines the properties of workers at a certain level. Higher level also gives possibility to get workers of a higher level.
- facTeamHq: Team Headquarter
- facTeamHqDesc: Allows team interaction. (join, found, etc)
- facTreasureFinder: Treasure finder
- facTreasureFinderDesc: Ability to extract treasures that you and others may pick up. Extract button available on the map.
- facUpgradeAffordable: Upgrade affordable.
- facWorker2TransmitterPart: Transformer
- facWorker2TransmitterPartDesc: Ability to transform idle workers into transmitter parts. The parts may be combined to transmitters used for scoring.
- facWorkerModulator: Worker Modulator
- facWorkerModulatorDesc: Allows you to modulate workers to this color from nearby colors. The level of the facility limits how many workers you may have in that color.
- floatOneDecimal: %.1f
- floatPlusNoDecimal: +%.0f
- fountain: Fountain
- fountainEmptyIn: Empty in (at current rate): %s
- fountainRefillSpeed: Refill %.2f crystal per hour
- fountainTooExpensive: Too expensive to place worker. Cost: %s
- fountainType: Type %d
- fountainValue: Contains %.1f crystal
- idle: Idle
- integer: %d
- inviteFullText: Invitation to play ColorPlanet.
A location based resource game.
- inviteFullTextUsername: Invitation to play ColorPlanet.
A location based resource game.
If you enter my username "%s" in the box who invited you, we will get in contact in the game so I may help you. (And I will benefit too)
- inviteText: Spread the word with your friends.
There is a mission for inviting new players. It counts the sum of the level of all people who said you invited them.
So you should invite people and get them to enter your username in the dialog shown when updating User Settings. You will then get in contact in the game. Then you should help them level up to increase your invite mission counter.
- inviteTitle: Invite more players
- inviteUsing: Share to
- lastActiveDays: Online some days ago
- lastActiveMonths: Online some months ago
- lastActiveRecent: Recently online
- lastActiveWeeks: Online some weeks ago
- listableNameHolder: (handled by %1$s since %2$s)
- listableNameOwners: %s's
- loading: Loading…
- locationsDisabledMessage: You have not enabled location tracking on your device and most actions in this game need to know your location to work.
Do you want to open your device's positioning settings?
- locationsDisabledTitle: Positioning disabled
- mBuildFac: Build all main facilities
- mBuildFacL: Upgrade all main facilities to at least level %d.
- mBuildFacText1: Note: The extra facilities are not required
- mBuildPortal: Build portal
- mBuildPortalGateway: Build Portal Gateway facility
- mBuildPortalGatewayText1: In order to make it easier for you to place workers, there is something called Portals. First you need to build a Portal Gateway
- mBuildPortalGatewayText2: Go to the facilities tab
- mBuildPortalGatewayText3: Press the core, and select Build Portal Gateway.
- mBuildPortalGatewayText4: There is a small cost so you might have to place a few workers and wait for them to come home.
- mBuildPortalText1: In order to make it easier for you to place workers we have provided you with a portal.
- mBuildPortalText2: You may build it somewhere near suitable fountains. Later when you are somewhere else you may still place workers for free within the range of the portal or nearby at a cost.
- mBuildPortalText3: Build a portal by going to the map tab
- mBuildPortalText4: Open the map menu and press the %s option
- mBuildPortalText5: scroll to the suitable location, near fountains, and place it.
- mBuildTradePost: Build Trade Post
- mBuildTradePostText1: The Trade Post facility allows you to transmit things to other players and to perform trading. Level 1 allows you to accept trade offers, higher level allows you to add your own offers.
- mBuildW2TP: Build a Transformer facility
- mBuildW2TPText1: In order to build transmitters to help your home world you need parts for them. But to make the parts you need a transformer.
- mBuildW2TPText2: Go to the facilities tab
- mBuildW2TPText3: Build a Transformer
- mBuildWorkerModulator: Build worker modulator
- mBuildWorkerModulatorText1: To get workers in other colors:
- mBuildWorkerModulatorText2: Go to the facilities tab
- mBuildWorkerModulatorText3: Build a worker modulator
- mBuildWorkerModulatorText4: You might have to collect and trade more crystals in order to be able to build it.
- mBuildWorkerModulatorTextBonus: Bonus: 4 crystals of your type
- mContacts: Establish contact with %d players
- mDom1Big: Dominate 1 big score area
- mDom1Medium: Dominate 1 medium score area
- mDom1Small: Dominate 1 small score area
- mDomBig: Dominate %d big score areas
- mDomMedium: Dominate %d medium score areas
- mDomSmall: Dominate %d small score areas
- mDomWorld: Be the best
- menu: Menu
- mGroupBonus: Bonus missions
- mGroupBuildFac: Facility builder
- mGroupBuildFacText1: See the facilities tab.
- mGroupBuildFacText2: Different facilities will help you to collect crystals and sent them home. You may read about them by clicking on them
- mGroupContacts: Contacts
- mGroupContactsText1: Have contact with level 2 (or better) players.
- mGroupContactsText2: You can establish contacts in some ways:
- mGroupContactsText3: - Find other player's workers on the map and establish contact through them.
- mGroupContactsText4: - Use or share contact codes in the "Contacts" dialog using "Establish contact".
- mGroupContactsText5: - Invite players and make them add you as the one who invited you.
- mGroupContactsTextNote1: Note: A contact code can only be used once, i.e. when someone uses it, it is lost. You can gain more codes by placing transmitters.
- mGroupDomBig: Dominate big
- mGroupDomBigText: Place transmitters in order to be the best one in several big areas at the same time.
- mGroupDomMedium: Dominate medium
- mGroupDomMediumText: Place transmitters in order to be the best one in several medium areas at the same time.
- mGroupDomSmall: Dominate small
- mGroupDomSmallText: Place transmitters in order to be the best one in several small areas at the same time.
- mGroupDomWorld: Dominate earth
- mGroupDomWorldText: Place transmitters in order to be the best crystal sender on earth. At least for a while.
- mGroupIntro: Introduction
- mGroupInvitePlayers: Invite players
- mGroupInvitePlayersNote1: Note 1: When they enter your username you will also get in contact immediately, no matter where they are.
- mGroupInvitePlayersNote2: Note 2: If you share to facebook it only shows the link and no text due to a bug in the facebook app. You will have to enter whatever text you think is suitable.
- mGroupInvitePlayersText1: Counts the sum of levels of all players that have set you as the one who invited them. You should invite them and help them level up.
- mGroupInvitePlayersText2: You may invite players in whatever way you want. One way is by opening the Menu and selecting "Contacts", "Invite players" and "Invite" to share a ready made invitation link to others.
- mGroupInvitePlayersText3: The new player may enter your username in the "Invited by" field in the User Settings dialog.
- mGroupSameFountain: Same fountain
- mGroupSameFountainText1: Note: The worker has to be on the fountain until it's full or the fountain runs out in order to count.
- mGroupScoreWorld: Top world score
- mGroupScoreWorldText1: Mount and place transmitters to get score
- mGroupScoreWorldText2: There is a bonus of 10 for every unique small area you have transmitters in and also 10 per other player you beat in a small area.
- mGroupScoreWorldText3: Also note that you may send transmitters to other players and they can place them for you.
- mGroupSimWorkers: Many workers placed
- mGroupSimWorkersText1: Place workers on fountains and have many placed at the same time.
- mGroupSimWorkersText2: Of course you need to have many workers.
- mGroupSimWorkersText3: Workers of any color count
- mGroupSimWorkersText4: This could also be a good time to check your settings if you want to use the fast place worker option.
- mGroupStarted: Collecting
- mGroupTransmitterMax: Big transmitters
- mGroupTransmitterMaxText: Mount and place transmitters with high level
- mGroupTransmitterStreak: Days in a row you placed a new transmitter
- mGroupTransmitterStreakLast: Last one placed %1$tF %1$tR (%2$d h %3$d m ago according to your device time)
- mGroupTransmitterStreakLastNone: No information about last transmitter placed available
- mGroupTransmitterStreakText: Place a transmitter every day in a long period, or more precisely no longer than 36 hours between the placements.
- mGroupTransmitterSum: Total transmitters
- mGroupTransmitterSumText: The sum of all placed transmitters (no matter when).
- mGroupTreasuresClaimed: Treasure hunter
- mGroupTreasuresClaimedText1: Locate, go to and claim treasures.
- mGroupUniqueFountains: Unique fountains
- mGroupUniqueFountainsText1: Note: The worker has to be on the fountain until it's full or the fountain runs out in order to count.
- mGroupUseful: Getting useful
- mIntro: Seedling of Kambr
- mIntroHelp: What to do?
- mIntroHelpText1: We have prepared some missions to get you started. The first ones will be displayed automatically once, but if you are unsure what to do, you can always press the mission button (trophy with a question mark)
- mIntroHelpText2: Expand mission groups and descriptions by clicking on them.
- mIntroHelpText3: There are other things you can do to facilitate your work here too. Have a look around in your control device.
- mIntroText1: During the last aeon on Kambr, our home planet, the resources of the essential five crystals for our civilization began to vanish. During our search through the universe for more we sent and planted seeds of us in the other civilizations we found on various planets.
- mIntroText2: On one of them, the one you call Earth, has since then started to produce crystals and now, finally, the humans have developed good enough technology so we may contact you. You are an ancestor of the once planted seed among the humans.
- mIntroText3: The limited human body doesn't recognize crystal sources, the fountains, so we have provided this piece of software, in your device, for you to find them. They are displayed on your Earth map and you will have to move to find more fountains.
- mIntroTextB1: Rubinium, Gelbur, Hadranium, Azon, Moviridium
- mIntroTextB2: Next: Please select an account on this device so we know how to contact you.
- mInvitePlayer: Invite 1 player
- mInvitePlayers: Invite %d players
- missionDone: Mission accomplished.
- missionDoneCount: Fulfilled by %1$.1f%% (%2$d players)
- missionGroupDone: %d done
- missionGroupDoneAll: %d done (all)
- missionGroupNA: not available
- missions: Missions
- missionsText: Level %1$d (%2$d cleared missions, %3$d to next level)
- mModulateCrystal: Trade crystals
- mModulateCrystalText1: Initially this is the only way to get crystals of other kinds. Later you may also harvest such crystals.
- mModulateCrystalText2: Click on the crystal container (at the top)
- mModulateCrystalText3: and select Trade and accept a trade offer. Note that you can accept portions of a trade offer.
- mModulateCrystalTextBonus: Bonus: Some crystals of other colors
- mModulateWorker: Modulate worker
- mModulateWorkerText1: To get workers in other colors:
- mModulateWorkerText2: Go to the workers tab
- mModulateWorkerText3: click on an idle worker
- mModulateWorkerText4: select modulate worker to a nearby color. Note that you might have to trade some crystals in order to do this.
- mModulateWorkerText5: You can only modulate to nearby colors, meaning that you may have to modulate multiple times to get workers in all colors. You should go ahead and modulate workers to all colors in order to have an income in all crystal types.
- mMountTransmitter: Mount a transmitter
- mMountTransmitterText1: In order to help your home world you need to transmit crystals home (and to get a good reputation). Before you can transmit them, they need to be packed in a transmitter.
- mMountTransmitterText2: Go to the transmitter tab
- mMountTransmitterText3: Start with a rack
- mMountTransmitterText4: Add transmitter parts of all colors
- mMountTransmitterText5: Mount it and you will get a transmitter
- mMountTransmitterText6: You place the transmitter on the map view.
- mMountTransmitterText7: The level of the transmitter affects the reputation.
- mockLocationsNotAllowed: Fake locations are not allowed
- moduleInserted: Inserted %1$tF %1$tR
- moduleOwnedBy: %s's module
- modulesTitle: Modules
- monumentBuildText: Each monument costs 10,000 credits. Spend them wisely.
- monumentBuildTitle: Build Monument
- monumentDescExtraWorker: Increases the number of supported workers of other colors
- monumentDescPortalCount: Increases the number of portals members may have
- monumentDescPortalLifeLength: Increases the time a portal stands
- monumentDescPortalRange: Increases the range of portals
- monumentDescSpawner: Make the worker spawner able to produce workers more often
- monumentDescWorkerCapacity: Increases the worker capacity
- monumentDescWorkerCompetition: Increases the ability to place workers on fountains occupied by other players' workers
- monumentDescWorkerCooperation: Increases the ability to place multiple workers on the same fountain
- monumentNameExtraWorker: %1$d extra worker allowed
- monumentNamePortalCount: Portal count: +%d
- monumentNamePortalLifeLength: Portal life length: +%d days
- monumentNamePortalRange: Portal range: +%d upgrades
- monumentNameSpawner: Worker Spawner recharge time: -%d%%
- monumentNameWorkerCapacity: Worker capacity: +%d
- monumentNameWorkerCompetition: Worker competition: +%d
- monumentNameWorkerCooperation: Worker cooperation: +%d
- mPlaceTransmitter: Place a transmitter to send crystals to our home planet
- mPlaceTransmitterText1: To help your home world (and to get a good reputation) you place transmitters
- mPlaceTransmitterText2: Go to the map
- mPlaceTransmitterText3: Open the map menu and press Place transmitter
- mPlaceTransmitterText4: Select a transmitter to place
- mPlaceTransmitterText5: The gained reputation lasts for 30 days and increases your ranking during that period
- mPlaceTransmitterText6: Toggle normal/reputation view with
- mPlaceTransmitterText7: Your current rank is displayed in the rank box.
- mPlaceTransmitterText8: The rank box shows your rank in the centered small area, medium area, big area and in the world.
- mPlaceTransmitterText9: Click on the rank box to view the full ranking list.
- mPlaceWorker: Place workers
- mPlaceWorkerText1: You use your workers to harvest crystals from fountains.
- mPlaceWorkerText2: Show the map in order to see the fountains
- mPlaceWorkerText3: Click on a fountain of your color within your range (a circle appears around your position when the device has found your location), and choose an available worker in the appearing dialog.
- mPlaceWorkerText4: The worker will collect one crystal per hour from the fountain. The worker will automatically come back to you with its crystal harvest when it is full or when the fountain run out. (Fountains are continuously refilled but will run out of crystal for some time when drained.)
- mPlaceWorkerText5: Keep up placing your workers whenever possible. They will give you your main income.
- mPlaceWorkerText6: There is no cost to place a worker within your range. If you want to place it outside that range it costs crystals. Beware that you may lose crystals if you place it too far from you.
- mPlaceWorkerText7: If you are not pleased with the color you selected you may change it, but you will lose everything you have. i.e. so don't wait if you are going to change. It may be done under Menu.
- mPlaceWorkerText8: User Settings
- mSameFountain: Collect crystals from the same fountain %d times
- mScoreWorld: Reach world score %d
- mSimWorkers: Place %d workers at the same time
- mSpawnWorker: Spawn workers
- mSpawnWorkerText1: A true Kambrian has the ability to split their body into several parts and do work at multiple locations at once. Some of this ability has been inherited by you: You may spawn workers.
- mSpawnWorkerText2: In order to spawn workers you go to the worker tab
- mSpawnWorkerText3: and press the Spawn worker-button.
- mSpawnWorkerText4: The worker spawner is recharged over time. When it is fully charged you can create one new worker for free. You can pay crystals to create additional workers in between charges.
- mSpawnWorkerText5: Keep up producing more workers.
- mSpawnWorkerTextBonus: Bonus for first worker: 4 crystals
- mSupporter: Supporter
- mSupporterText: Buy a supporter marker in the shop at least once.
- mTransformW2TP: Transform a worker to transmitter parts
- mTransformW2TPText1: To get transmitter parts you need to use a worker and transform it. Beware, you will need to keep some workers to have an income.
- mTransformW2TPText2: Go to the workers tab
- mTransformW2TPText3: click on an idle worker
- mTransformW2TPText4: select Transform to transmitter parts
- mTranslator: Translator %d
- mTranslatorText: Help out translate this game to other languages. See About dialog.
- mTransmitterMax: Place a transmitter of value %d or more
- mTransmitterStreak: Place a transmitter %d days in a row
- mTransmitterSum: Place transmitters with a sum of total %d
- mTreasures1Claimed: Claim at least 1 treasure
- mTreasuresClaimed: Claim at least %d treasures
- mUniqueFountains: Collect crystals from %d different fountains
- mUpgradeSpawner: Upgrade worker spawner
- mUpgradeSpawnerText1: Go to the facilities tab
- mUpgradeSpawnerText2: and upgrade the spawner by clicking and selecting Upgrade
- mUpgradeSpawnerText3: Select an upgrade of your choice. The upgrades have increasing costs so you might have to wait for workers to come home, or even save up for a while to afford the next upgrade.
- mUpgradeSpawnerText4: When you spawn workers with an upgraded worker spawner there is a chance they will start at a higher level. You may also merge two workers of the same level to evolve them one level higher. (The worker spawner level sets the maximum worker level)
- mUpgradeSpawnerText5: When you spawn or upgrade workers they will get the ability you selected. You may later reorder the abilities if you want another one to be the first upgrade.
- mUpgradeSpawnerText6: You should also have a look at other facilities to find out what else you can build
- mUpgradeSpawnerTextBonus: Bonus: A level 2 worker
- myLocationFollow: Follow mode enabled
- myLocationNoFollow: Follow mode disabled
- networkDisabled: Network disabled, waiting…
- networkEnabled: Network enabled, retrying…
- notifyChannelAll: All messages
- notifyChannelAllDesc: What messages to send to you are configured in the app
- notifyConnectionEstablished: Connection established
- notifyCrystalsCount: Crystals:
- notifyFacBusy: busy
- notifyFacIdle: idle
- notifyIdleFacilityTitle: Facility status
- notifyIdlePortalsCount: You have %d unused portals
- notifyIdlePortalsTitle: Idle portals
- notifyIdleWorkersCount: Idle workers:
- notifyIdleWorkersTitle: Idle workers
- notifyPermButton: Allow notifications
- notifyPersonalMessage: Private message
- notifyRankChange: Rank change
- notifySystem: System message
- notifyTaggedInPublicChat: Tagged in public chat
- notifyTeamEvent: Team event
- notifyTeamMessage: Team message
- notifyTrade: Trading
- notifyTransmit: Transmitted to you
- notifyTransmitterInMyArea: Transmitter placed in "your" area
- notifyTransmitterPlaceByOther: Your transmitter has been placed
- notSettingsChat: Chat
- notSettingsChatPrivate: Private messages
- notSettingsChatPrivateDesc: Someone sends a private message to you
- notSettingsChatTag: Tagging you
- notSettingsChatTagDesc: Someone tagged you in the public chat
- notSettingsChatTeam: Team chat
- notSettingsChatTeamDesc: Someone in your team enters something in the team chat
- notSettingsContactNew: New contact
- notSettingsContactNewDesc: Someone establishes contact with you
- notSettingsFacAvail: Facilities available
- notSettingsFacAvailDesc: A facility of yours is no longer busy
- notSettingsOther: Other
- notSettingsOtherDesc: Uncommon messages
- notSettingsOtherMsg: Other system messages
- notSettingsPlayerActions: Other's actions
- notSettingsPortalsExpire: Portals expire
- notSettingsPortalsExpireDesc: All good things must come to an end
- notSettingsRankChange: World rank changes
- notSettingsRankChangeDesc: When your ranking changes
- notSettingsScoring: Scoring
- notSettingsTeamActions: Team actions
- notSettingsTeamActionsDesc: Invitations etc
- notSettingsText1: These setting are stored on the server
- notSettingsText2: When do you want to receive a notification, a message displayed at the top, when the app is closed.
- notSettingsTitle: Notification settings
- notSettingsTradeActions: Trade actions
- notSettingsTradeActionsDesc: Someone accepted your trade or a trade offer expired
- notSettingsTransmitterInYour: Transmitter placing
- notSettingsTransmitterInYourDesc: Someone places a transmitter in an area where you have score
- notSettingsTransToYou: Transmissions to you
- notSettingsTransToYouDesc: Something was transmitted to you
- notSettingsWorkersBack: Workers come back
- notSettingsWorkersBackDesc: A crystal and worker status when workers come back
- notSettingsYours: Yours
- notSettingsYourTransmitterByOther: Another player places your transmitter
- notSettingsYourTransmitterByOtherDesc: When someone is helping you by placing a transmitter for you.
- numberAvailable: %d available
- onActionFailed: %1$s failed and was not performed.
- onActionFailedWithMessage: %1$s failed, %2$s, and was not performed.
- onActionServerError: %1$s got a server error and was not performed.
- onActionServerErrorWithMessage: %1$s got a server error, %2$s, and was not performed.
- onActionUnexpectedError: %1$s failed. Unexpected error. Please contact administrator.
- pendingCountText: %d ⇄
- placePortalOnlyInRadius: Can only be placed within your radius
- portal: Portal
- portalNoneAvailable: No portal available
- portalNotAvailable: Portal not available
- portalsCount: You have %d portals
- portalsTitle: Portals
- portalText: Can be used to place workers nearby.
Expires at %1$tF %2$tR
- prismDesc: May be used for constructing infinite transmitters or building a monument for your team.
- prismN: Prism %d
- prisms: Prisms
- prismTransmitterAll: You need all types of prisms in order to construct an infinite transmitter.
- probeNoFacility: No radar facility
- probeTimeLeft: Radar time left: %d
- rearrangeText: Long press, drag and drop upgrades in the order you wish
- rearrangeTitle: Rearrange upgrades
- registerColor: A true Kambrian is attuned to one crystal type at birth but you have gained a special ability, you choose.
- registerColorInfo: You may change this selection later, but you will lose everything you have done to that point
- registerColorSelect: Select your color
- registerIntro: You seedling of Kambr and Earth, what shall we call you?
- registerInvalidName: Only letters and digits are allowed
- registerSubmit: Register
- registerTitle: Who are you?
- registerUsername: Select username
- registerUsernameOccupied: Username already occupied
- rs_already_in_contact: Already in contact
- rs_client_upgrade_needed: You need to upgrade your app, New version is available at Google Play.
- rs_facility_busy: Facility is still busy
- rs_facility_level_to_low: You need to build/upgrade facility first
- rs_full: Already full
- rs_invalid_facility: Invalid facility
- rs_invalid_fountain: Invalid fountain
- rs_invalid_treasure: No such treasure. Already gone?
- rs_invalid_values: Invalid values
- rs_invalid_worker: Invalid worker
- rs_invite_code_used: Invitation code is used.
- rs_max_one: You can only have one
- rs_not_enough_crystals: Not enough crystals
- rs_not_part_of_team: You are not part of a team
- rs_position_missing: Missing position
- rs_team_is_full: Team is full, upgrade max size of team first
- rs_to_close: Too close to existing
- rs_unknown_command: Unknown command
- rs_user_already_invited: User is already invited
- rs_worker_may_not_be_placed_there: Worker may not be placed there
- saving: Saving…
- scoreBig: Big %s
- scoreHallOfFame: All time world leader
- scoreLevel: Level
- scoreMiddle: Middle %1$s %2$s
- scoreSmall: Small %1$s %2$s %3$s
- scoreTeams: Teams
- scoreWorld: World
- search: Search
- selectTransmitterToPlace: Place transmitter
- selectTransmitterToPlaceDesc: Select transmitter to place
- select_action: Select action
- select_user: Select user
- settingLanguage: Language
- settingLanguages: string-array((Default), ...)
- settingsChangeColorText: Gives you the ability to change color, but also removes EVERYTHING you have.
- settingsDayMode: Day mode
- settingsDebug: Debug
- settingsFastWorkerPlacement: Fast worker placement
- settingsFastWorkerPlacementCost: Maximum fast place cost
- settingsFastWorkerPlacementMethods: string-array(Lowest level eligible worker, ...)
- settingsFastWorkerPlacementSubtitle: Short-press places lowest/highest (select below) level eligible worker instead of placement dialogue, long-press always shows worker placement dialogue
- settingsFountainPlaceAbleAll: All
- settingsFountainPlaceAbleOnly: Only place-able
- settingsFountainUsedOpaque: No markers
- settingsFountainUsedTransparent: Mark unused
- settingsMapNames: Street names
- settingsMapNamesDesc: Show detailed names of things on map. For example street names.
- settingsNightMode: Night mode
- settingsPendingActions: Pending actions
- settingsPendingActionsDesc: Show how many pending actions are waiting to be performed
- settingsScreenKeepOn: Keep screen on
- settingsScreenKeepOnDesc: When this app is in the foreground the screen is never turned off. WARNING: This might drain your battery.
- settingsScreenRotation: Screen rotation
- settingsScreenRotationAuto: Auto
- settingsScreenRotationLandscape: Landscape
- settingsScreenRotationPortrait: Portrait
- settingsShowCollectedCrystals: Show collected so far
- settingsShowCollectedCrystalsSubtitle: Show how many crystals your placed workers have collected so far together with crystal count at the top
- settingsSound: Sound (on this device)
- settingsSoundNotification: Notification
- settingsSoundNotificationDefault: Using default notification sound on the phone
- settingsTitle: Settings
- settingsUserDirection: User direction
- settingsUserDirectionDesc: A marker on the map showing the device direction
- settingsUserInterface: User Interface (on this device)
- settingsZoomGestures: Zoom Gestures
- settingsZoomGesturesDesc: Enables double click zoom and pinch zoom.
- shopSupport: Please support the costs for running this game.
- shopSupportDesc: You will receive a supporter marker whenever someone sees your name, for some time.
- shopSupportMission: * With your first payment you also receive a bonus mission.
- shopSupportMonth: Supporter + 1 month
- shopSupportOtherDesc: You give away a supporter marker to another player of your choice.
- shopSupportOtherMonth: Gift: Supporter + 1 month
- shopSupportOtherWeek: Gift: Supporter + 1 week
- shopSupportOtherYear: Gift: Supporter + 1 year
- shopSupportUntil: Thanks for supporting this game!
Other players will see your supporter marker until %1$tF %1$tR.
- shopSupportWeek: Supporter + 1 week
- shopSupportYear: Supporter + 1 year
- shopText: I have developed this game in my spare time for your pleasure and mine.
- shopTitle: Shop
- statContacts: Contacts: %d
- statContactsLevel2: Contacts of level 2 or better: %d
- statCooperationTitle: Cooperation
- statCrystalsCollected: Crystals collected
- statCrystalsReceived: Crystals received from other players
- statCrystalsSent: Crystals sent to other players
- statDomBig: Dominate big areas: %d
- statDomMedium: Dominate medium areas: %d
- statDomSmall: Dominate small areas: %d
- statFountainsSame: Max placements on same fountain: %d
- statFountainsUnique: Unique fountains harvested from: %d
- statHarvestingTitle: Harvesting
- statHelpingHomeTitle: Helping home planet
- statLevel: Level: %d
- statMissions: Missions done: %1$d (%2$d more for next level)
- statMissionsTitle: Missions
- statPartsColoredReceived: Colored transmitter parts received from other players
- statPartsColoredSent: Colored transmitter parts sent to other players
- statPartsReceived: Transmitter parts received from other players: %d
- statPartsSent: Transmitter parts sent to other players: %d
- statPlayersInvited: Sum of player levels from players who said you invited them: %d
- statScoreTitle: Score and ranking
- statSocialTitle: Social
- statSupportNotActive: You have no active support marker, even though you have bought things in the shop before.
- statSupportNotYet: Go to the Shop and buy something to support this game.
- statSupportTitle: Supporter
- statSupportUntil: Thanks for supporting this game!
Other players will see your supporter marker until %1$tF %1$tR.
- statTitle: Statistics
- statTopBigRank: Top big area rank: %d
- statTopMediumRank: Top medium area rank: %d
- statTopSmallRank: Top small area rank: %d
- statTopTeamRank: Top team rank: %d
- statTopWorldRank: Top world rank: %d
- statTopWorldScore: Top world score: %d
- statTransmittersCreated: Transmitters created: %d
- statTransmittersMax: Highest transmitter level: %d
- statTransmittersPlaced: Transmitters placed: %d
- statTransmittersPlacedByOther: Your transmitters placed by other players: %d
- statTransmittersPlacedForOther: Placed transmitters for other players: %d
- statTransmittersStreak: Placements, max days in a row: %d
- statTransmittersStreakCurrent: Placements, days in a row at last placement: %d
- statTransmittersTotal: Total transmitters (all time): %d
- statTreasuresClaimed: Claimed: %d
- statTreasuresTitle: Treasures
- statWorkersCreated: Created
- statWorkersMaxSim: Maximum simultaneous workers placed: %d
- statWorkersMerged: Merged
- statWorkersPlaced: Placed workers
- statWorkersTitle: Workers
- supporterUserInfo: Supporter of the game
- team: Team
- teamBuildMonumentButton: + Monument
- teamClaimedBy: Claimed by %s
- teamClaimTeamButton: Request Administrator
- teamCofounderAdd: Add Co-founder
- teamCofoundersTitle: Co-founders
- teamCredits: Credits: %d
- teamCreditsInfoDesc: A team gain credits when the members place transmitters.
Credits remain until used.
Credits can be used to build monuments, giving the members advantages.
- teamCreditsInfoTitle: Credits
- teamDataAbbr: Abbreviation
- teamDataDesc: Description
- teamDataName: Name
- teamHandleInfo: You must be in a team to get advantages. You can join a team if invited or you may start a new team when you can afford a big enough team HQ and find some co-founders.
- teamHandleTitle: Team handling
- teamInvitations: %d invitations
- teamInviteMemberButton: + Member
- teamMembersOfMax: Members: %1$d of %2$d
- teamMembersTitle: Members
- teamMonumentsTitle: Monuments
- teamName: %1$s (%2$s)
- teamPendingAdminRemoval: Your administrator privileges have been questioned and will be removed in some time
- teamPendingCreate: Pending team
- teamPreventClaimTeamButton: Prevent claim
- teamPreventPendingAdminRemovalButton: Stay admin
- teamSizeUpgrade: Upgrade team size
- teamSizeUpgradeDesc: Contribute to the team by donating crystals. Press the "+" under a bar to contribute.
When all the bars are full the maximum allowed team size will increase from %1$d to %2$d members.
- teamSizeUpgradeFull: Already full
- teamUserAdmin: Team administrator
- teamUserInvited: Invited, awaiting response
- timeDays: %d days
- timeDaysHours: %1$dd %2$dh
- timeHours: %1$dh
- timeHoursMinutes: %1$dh %2$dm
- timeMinutes: %1$dm
- tradeAcceptOffer: Accept trade offer?
- tradeAddButton: Add offer
- tradeCostGet: Cost (you get)
- tradeCostPay: Cost (you pay)
- tradeHeaderCost: Cost
- tradeHeaderProvider: Provider
- tradeHeaderSale: For Sale
- tradeNeedHomeGate: You need a Trade Post of level 2 or more to make trade offers
- tradeNeedHomeGateLevel: Upgrade your Trade Post to level %d to or remove another offer to make a new one
- tradeNInStore: %d in store
- tradeOffer: Trade offer
- tradeOfferedBy: Offered by %s
- tradePostNeeded: You need a Trade Post-facility to be able to accept trade offers
- tradeReloadButton: Reload
- tradeRemoveOffer: Remove trade offer?
- tradeSaleGet: For sale (you get)
- tradeSalePay: For sale (you pay)
- transmitterMount: Mount transmitter
- transmitterMountLevel: Value: %d
- transmitterMountNeedParts: You need a rack and parts of all colors!
- transmitterName: Transmitter, Level %d
- transmitterPartLevel: (Level %d)
- transmitterPartName: Transmitter part
- transmitterPartNameBonus: Overclock: +%d percent
- transmitterPartNameContainerSpecific: string-array(Power Button, ...)
- transmitterPartNameExtenderSpecific2: string-array(Supply Unit (Blueprint), ...)
- transmitterPartNameExtenderSpecific3: string-array(Double Supply Unit (Blueprint), ...)
- transmitterPartNameMixer: Crystal mixer
- transmitterPartNameRack: Rack
- transmitterPartPlaceholderInfoContainer1: Select a part below to place it here.
- transmitterPartPlaceholderInfoContainer2: You may use a Blueprint and add more parts of the same type to assemble an auxiliary device that increases transmitter's value.
- transmitterPartPlaceholderInfoContainer3: You need at least one part of each color to mount a transmitter.
- transmitterPartPlaceholderInfoExtra: You may add special modifiers to increase the value of the transmitter here
- transmitterPartPlaceholderInfoText1: To begin building, start with a rack.
- transmitterPartPlaceholderInfoText2: If you don't have any racks you may get them when transforming workers to transmitter parts
- transmitterPartPlaceholderNameContainer: Place for %s
- transmitterPartPlaceholderNameExtra: Place for Modifier
- transmitterPartPlaceholderNameRack: Place for Rack
- transmitterPartTextBonus: Transmitter extension: Gives %d percent extra value on the transmitter
- transmitterPartTextContainer: A rack and one part of each color are required to build a transmitter.
- transmitterPartTextExtender: You can use %1$d additional %2$s to build an auxiliary device from this blueprint, and connect it to the transmitter in order to increase its value.
- transmitterPartTextMixer: Transmitter extension: Uses the average level of parts instead of lowest to calculate the transmitter value
- transmitterPartTextRack: Required to build a transmitter
- transmitterText: Gives %d points when placed
- treasure: Treasure
- treasureDescription: %1$s's treasure
Magnitude %2$d
Lasts %3$s
- treasureDescriptionYour: Your treasure
Magnitude %1$d
Lasts %2$s
- treasureDistance: %1$.0f m to treasure
- treasureInRange: %s in range. Claim it!
- treasureIsGone: Treasure is gone!
- treasureName: Treasure (magnitude %d)
- treasureNameOwner: %1$s's treasure (magnitude %2$d)
- treasureNameYour: your treasure (magnitude %d)
- treasureNoFacility: No treasure finder facility
- treasureNothingLeftInColor: %1$s has nothing left in %2$s
- unknown: \?
- unknownInteger: Unknown %d
- userInfoAttunedTo: Attuned to:
- userInfoContact: You have contact
- userInfoCountry: Country:
- userInfoDescription: Personal description:
- userInfoInvitedBy: Was invited by:
- userInfoLevel: Level:
- userInfoMissions: missions
- userInfoNoContact: You don't have contact
- userInfoScore: Current world score:
- userInfoScoreNoTop: Not among top players
- userInfoStarted: Started playing: %tF
- userSettings: User settings
- userSettingsAbout: About you
- userSettingsChangeColor: Change color
- userSettingsChangeColorDesc: Gives you the ability to change color, but also removes EVERYTHING you have.
- userSettingsCountry: Country
- userSettingsDescription: Description
- userSettingsDescriptionDesc: Whatever you want to say…
- userSettingsFacebook: Facebook
- userSettingsFacebookDesc: Enter your facebook address/id
- userSettingsInvitedBy: Invited by
- userSettingsInvitedByWho: Who invited you?
- userSettingsInvitedByWhoDesc: Enter player username
- userSettingsInvitedByWhoNote: Note: May only be set once
- userSettingsSocial: Social media
- userSettingsText1: These setting are stored on the server
- userSettingsText2: The values entered in any of the fields below will be visible to all players.
- userSettingsTwitter: Twitter
- userSettingsTwitterDesc: Enter your twitter address/id
- userSettingsUncommon: Uncommon actions
- userTitle: Player: %s
- waitNeedPositionFirst: Wait, your location must be determined first. Is GPS your enabled?
- waitTime: Wait: %s
- warningLowMemory: WARNING: Running low on memory in device! Map is in incorrect state. Free some memory and reload.
- warningNoDataLoadedYet: No data loaded yet, wait…
- warningUnableToGetPosition: Impossible to get your position. Is GPS disabled?
- worker: Worker
- workerMultiDesc: %1$s (%2$.1f/%3$.1f) Full in: %4$s
- workersAllHome: All home
- workersNoIdle: No idle workers
- workersNoPlaced: No placed workers
- workersSpawnWorker: Spawn worker
- workerText: Capacity: %1$.0f, Competition: %2$d, Cooperation: %3$d
- workerTextPlaced: Contains: %1$.1f of %2$.1f
Full in: %3$s
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